
Dear students,


Welcome back, Beaver Nation! Just as we did in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021, we will send a few emails during the term reminding you of important resources, deadlines, and relevant information to support your success at OSU.


Health and safety reminders:

The OSU face covering and physical distancing policies remain in place for everyone’s health and safety. Please be sure to abide by these policies when on OSU campuses or in OSU buildings.


TRACE testing:


Help OSU contribute to safer campus communities.


Corvallis and Hatfield Marine Science Center: Enroll in the TRACE OSU testing study. It is free to participate, and you receive your results within a few days of submitting your test samples. Testing for students and employees occurs on the Corvallis and at Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport.


OSU-Cascades: Students living in the residence hall are required to participate in free weekly testing. Student workers who are required to work on-campus have the option to participate in weekly testing. Watch for weekly email invitations from TRACE OSU.


Support and success:

OSU maintains websites that list a variety of key support resources for Corvallis, Ecampus and OSU-Cascades students. Please consult these sites to assist you with technology, health needs and academic success support, among other resources.


Study spaces for Spring 2021:

With some buildings restricted during Spring 2021, please consult the following for updates on study spaces and building access:

Corvallis campus: Open buildings, reserve a study space

OSU-Cascades campus: Building hours and access. Student ID card required.


For prompt assistance or answers to COVID-specific questions, call the COVID-19 hotline: 547-737-7211.


We hope you have a great term.




The Office of the Registrar

Send Date: 
Friday, April 2, 2021