A student may request an incomplete grade for a course that has not been completed if:
It is highly recommended that when an agreement is made to issue an incomplete grade that the instructor and student complete a Contract for Completion of I Grade to define the terms under which the outstanding course work will be completed. One original copy of the contract should go to the student and one original copy should be on file with the instructor/department.
Academic Regulation 17 specifically states: “Under no circumstances shall a student who earns an A-F grade or an N or U grade have their grade changed retroactively to an I grade.”
Students should not enroll in the course again for which they have received an incomplete grade.
The incomplete grade that is filed by the instructor at the end of the term must include an alternate/default grade to which the incomplete grade defaults, if the student does not make an effort to resolve the incomplete course work within one year of recording the incomplete. Examples of incomplete grades are (I/A, I/A-, I/B+, I/B, I/B-, I/C+, I/C, I/C-, I/D+, I/D, I/D-, I/F, I/P, and I/N). Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade options are converted after the “I/Alternate Grade” is determined by the instructor. For example, if the student has requested an incomplete and has opted for an S/U grade, the instructor will submit an “I/Normal Grade” (e.g., I/B+) at the end of the term. The Office of the Registrar will subsequently convert the “I/Normal Grade” to an “I/S” or “I/U” in accordance with the grading option chosen by the student.
A student may petition via the Office of the Registrar for an extension of the one calendar year deadline with the agreement of the instructor. An approved petition will grant an extension of a single additional term, with a maximum of three total extensions being possible. An approved petition for an extension of time to remove an incomplete will be voided at the time of degree conferral. The petition must be submitted before the one year deadline is reached.
To request an extension, complete and submit the Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade Petition to the Office of the Registrar.
If the instructor and department approve, and the student is eligible, an extension of a single term will be granted. To request an additional term extension, the process must be repeated.
All pending applications for graduation will include a review of any incomplete grades with an alternate/default grade. If an “I/Alternate Grade” is currently outstanding at the time a pending graduate’s file is being reviewed for graduation (which happens after grades are processed for the term in which the student is graduating), that review will take into account the automatic default of the incomplete to the Alternate/Default Grade. This automatic default may impact a student’s ability to graduate, if by its inclusion, the student’s GPA (major GPA or institutional GPA) or other major/institutional requirements are altered. Students are encouraged to ensure that all “I/Alternate Grades” are resolved with their instructor prior to the last day of Dead Week for the term in which they are graduating.
For additional information visit the Grades and Grading FAQs.