Faculty Grade Entry

Faculty Grade Entry provides a user-friendly experience for entering midterm and final grades in Banner.

Faculty Grade Entry highlights are:
  • Display of all gradable courses as one list.
  • Easy navigation between multiple courses and rosters.
  • Multiple system notifications informing of missing grades, errors in grade submission, and status of grading process for each course.
  • Improved Grade File Upload process.
  • Less time spent searching for courses and students.
  • Course Details Tab with pertinent information about the selected course.

Entering Grades

There are two ways to enter final grades in Faculty Grade Entry - keyed-in entry of grades or the file upload process.

Faculty Grade Entry Instructions & Screenshots

  In MyOregonState, the Final Grade Entry link is under Resources > Academic.

  • Once logged in, click on one of the courses displayed as a list to load the student roster.
  • You may need to scroll down to view the student roster that appears below the list of courses.
  • Grades can be entered directly in student roster Final Grade column or through File Upload process. See below instructions on grade entry.

  • For keyed or manual entry of grades, simply click on the grade box and select a grade from the drop-down list of grades.
  • Alternatively, a grade can also be typed in.
  • Last Date of Attendance information is required for the grades F, N, I/F, I/N.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be within Monday of week one and Friday of Finals Week of the term.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be entered in the following format with leading zeros: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, 01/08/2024.
    • If there was no attendance/participation, enter the first day of class in the Last Attend Date field and 0 in the Hours Attended field.

  • Grades can be entered by uploading an excel file with student roster and grades.
  • It is highly recommended that faculty use the Final Grades Tool in Canvas or use the Export Template function to prepare the Excel file for uploading grades.
  • Last Date of Attendance information is required for the grades F, N, I/F, I/N.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be within Monday of week one and Friday of Finals Week of the term.
    • Last Date of Attendance must be entered in the following format with leading zeros: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, 01/08/2024.
    • If there was no attendance/participation, enter the first day of class in the Last Attend Date field and 0 in the Hours Attended field.
  • File must contain the following columns: Term, CRN, Student ID, Grade, Last Attended Date and Narrative Grade Comment. In the "gear" icon on the right corner of the screen next to the logout button, select Import from drop-down list. Grade Import Wizard will start the file upload process.

Step One: Select the file with grades from your computer. And click Continue.

wizard step 1

Step Two: Preview the file that you have selected within the Grade Import Wizard for accuracy, and click Continue.

wizard step 2

Step Three: The file you uploaded should automatically map correctly. Note: The file must include a “Narrative Grade Comment" column even though it states it's not required.

wizard step 3

Step Four: This step provides a validation report and any errors that occurred while processing the grade file. An excel file with errors can be downloaded to review the errors. If no issues, click Continue. Otherwise correct the errors and start the process over with step one. Click the Cancel button on the top right corner of the grade wizard if there are issues that must be resolved before submitting the grades.

wizard step 4

Step Five: Click Finish, and address any errors separately.

wizard step 5

  • To download the class roster, select the course in the course list and click on the "gear" icon on the top right corner of the page.
  • Select Export Template. Save the class roster as an excel file on your computer desktop to enter student grades and last date of attendance information.
  • Preparing the grade file following these steps will reduce grade entry errors in the system and will eliminate the step of mapping the file columns for the grade upload process as in step three below.

Import Expor1

Expor as excel


Excel file inside

Additional Features

Getting Started, Course Details, and Student Details provide brief information and tips on grade submission, links to related tutorial webpages, course start and end dates, number of grades needed, missing grades, and student information.

Information tabs

  • Search for students or courses in the two search fields in Faculty Grade Entry.
  • Search for students in the student search field by entering students name or OSU ID number.
  • Search for courses by entering either one of these keys: CRN, subject code, or course title. The first three characters entered start narrowing down the search results.


Course list and student rosters can be sorted. Sort any column by alpha A to Z or Z to A, or by number lowest to highest and highest to lowest.

  • Each course in Faculty Grade Entry has a Grading Status Indicator.
  • Final Grades have two indicators: Indicator "Grading Status" shows grade entry process status.
  • Indicator “Rolled” shows if entered grades have rolled to academic history.
  • When grade entry has been successfully completed, "Grading Status" indicator turns green.
  • "Rolled" indicator remains gray until the submitted grades have fully rolled to academic history by Office of the Registrar.

TIP: You can also sort your classes by Grading Status bar indicators.

grade status bars

  • Faculty Grade Entry displays system notifications.
  • Notifications appear when grades are submitted successfully, grades have not been saved, or entered grade or last date of attendance date format is incorrect.

notification successful

notification grade not saved

notification last day attendance

Grades that have rolled to academic history must be changed using the Online Change of Grade page.

Helpful Quick Guides

Faculty Grade Entry Navigation

Faculty Grade Keyed Entry Upload

Helpful Grading-related Sites

Grading and Web Services

Grade Submission

Grading Videos

Contact Us

Email us at [email protected] with grade submission related questions. Grading team will be happy to assist you with your question.


Faculty Grade XE provides this message to indicate that student has not withdrawn from the course and therefore needs a last date of attendance if receiving any of the grades F, I/F, N, I/N.