Links available under Online Services menus titled “Web for Advisors,” “Student Records,” and “Final Grades Menu” were retired. Most of these links/pages can be accessed via Beaver Hub (students) or MyOregonState (staff and faculty). Crosswalks between old links/pages and new locations can be found here: 

Final Grades Submission

Review this section to find out when grades are due, who can enter grades, how to monitor grade processing within a department, and for detailed instructions about how to enter grades online.

Grade Records Retention

All academic departments must comply with the Oregon Administrative Rule (section 166-475-0110 Student Records) governing instructors' grade records.

Incomplete Grade Policy

As stated in Academic Regulation 17 if circumstances exist which are acceptable to the instructor and the rest of the academic work is passing, an incomplete grade may be assigned and additional time granted for completion of course work. The additional time granted shall not exceed one year. At the time the incomplete is submitted, an alternate grade that represents the grade the student would receive in the course if no further course work is completed, will also be submitted. If the incomplete is not removed within the one-year deadline the alternate grade will become the grade of record.

Online Grade Change

Who, when, and how to submit an online change of grade is explained.

OSU's Grading System

Academic Regulation 17 defines the OSU grading system. Additional information is provided both on this site and in the Grades, Regulations, & Records section of the OSU General Catalog.