Prerequisite Policy
Course prerequisites and corequisites are established by curriculum proposals and enforced by Banner. Refer to the information on prerequisite enforcement.
No prerequisites or corequisites may be deleted from or added to a course or section without an approved curriculum proposal. Prerequisites for a section must be in place before registration for the term begins.
Prerequisites and corequisites may not be switched or changed without an approved curriculum proposal.
All sections of a course must use the same prerequisites and/or corequisites that have been approved for that course.
Departments may add prerequisites or corequisites to the X99 or blanket course section Comments field of the online Schedule of Classes prior to registration. These may be enforced by the instructor; they are not enforced by Banner Registration.
Undergraduate prerequisites for graduate-level courses cannot be enforced by Banner.
Recommendations may be deleted without an approved curriculum proposal. Once deleted, they may not be reinstated without a curriculum proposal. Email your request to the Catalog Coordinator.
Recommendations may only be added with an approved proposal.
Course Number Reuse Policy
Six-Year Moratorium on the Re-Use of Course Numbers
If a non-credit or academic credit-bearing course is discontinued, that course number may not be re-used within six years of the last time that course was offered at Oregon State University. Any exceptions to this rule are solely at the discretion of the University Registrar.