Final exams are 110 minutes in length and scheduled according to the first class meeting or, in the case of group finals, according to the group final schedule available on the Final Examination Schedule by Group Exams & Class Meeting Hours page.
The final exam time for a course is most often determined by the first meeting date and time of the course that occurs during the first full week of the term. For example, a course that meets for the first time on Monday at 0800 may have a final exam time of Wednesday at 1200.
You can view the final by class meeting hours schedule for the current term; this schedule is generally posted in July or August for the following academic year.
A course qualifies for a group midterm or group final if it consists of three or more sections, or two sections of an anticipated enrollment of 150 or more students. All sections of the course constitute the group. This applies to credit-bearing, Corvallis campus sections only (not Ecampus or Cascades).
Departments wishing to schedule group midterms or final exams should contact the Schedule Desk at [email protected] for guidance, and should generally be received during the first phase of schedule editing prior to registration opening for a term.
Group midterms are one class period in length and are scheduled to begin no earlier than 1900. Group finals are 110 minutes in length and are scheduled to begin at 0730, 1600, and 2000 Monday-Thursday.