The Schedule Desk assigns classes to General Purpose (GP) classrooms using 25Live room scheduling software. Classrooms are also scheduled by the Schedule Desk and department schedulers in CLSS.
Building Preferences are buildings that your department overall would prefer to be in when assigned a General Purpose Classroom. These building assignments are not guaranteed and are only one factor that the scheduling software takes into account. To update or review building preferences for your department, have your department scheduler contact the Schedule Desk.
Classroom Attributes are the attributes you require — not desire an assigned GP classrooms to have for a particular course section. Consider carefully which attributes are truly needed for a class and do not request combinations of attributes that do not exist or if there are not appropriately sized classrooms for the section you're scheduling. If you have very specific attribute needs, you should also consider scheduling during non-peak hours (peak hours are 10am-2pm weekdays, particularly Tuesday/Thursday) to increase your chances of getting that room. The Schedule Desk cannot guarantee particular room attributes for sections requesting GP classrooms, but we can work with departments to find a time where a desired room is available.
Any combination of up to three attributes may be included for individual CRN sections in CLSS. Attributes should be added in Plan or Proof Phase for the term (i.e. prior to Room Assignment Phase).
Also, be aware that all attributes are treated as "AND" requirements. For example, if you list requirements two conflicting attributes for one section such as "S1" (Tablet Arm Chairs (movable)) and "S3" (Tables/Chairs (movable)), the system will only find you rooms with both, of which there are none and the section may miss the first phase of room assignments.
We have supplied attributes to encompass many "OR" situations, such as the "S0" (Moveable Chairs (any)) attribute, which includes rooms with movable tables and chairs AND rooms with movable tablet arm chairs.
DO NOT request a combination that physically does not exist on campus. This is not the place to indicate to Facilities Services what kind of rooms we should have.
Below is a list of current room attributes, their Banner code, their 25Live Feature translation, and (in most cases) a short definition of what the attribute is. Most of these attributes are things that a scheduler may wish to request for room assignment purposes using CLSS.
There are many attributes/features in 25Live that we track outside of this list but that we wouldn't expect or don't allow anyone to request for classes. Keeping these separate allows us to manage our inventory, help to assist with room selection in 25Live, while not overburdening our scheduling optimizer with too many options and combinations.
CLSS includes a list of pre-approved room attribute groupings that can be assigned to a CRN. If one does not exist in the system that you wish to request, please contact [email protected]. There may be groupings we will not allow or that do not exist. There may also be rules built into CLSS to prevent requesting specific attribute groupings if the max enrollment for the section is not appropriate for existing spaces with those attributes.
Banner/CLSS Code | 25Live Feature | Definition |
GP | Classroom - General Purpose | General Purpose Room. We add this automatically when entering attributes. You do not need to write this, but you will see it on the report. You can also write this in if you wish the system to ignore departmental requirements and give you any appropriately sized and located GP room. |
E111 | AV - Enhanced Classroom - Ceiling Projector | Enhanced Classroom Projector. Fully enhanced with projection onto an appropriately sized white screen. |
E112 | AV - Enhanced Classroom - Monitor Cart | Monitor Cart. Monitor cart for displaying images/presentation. Generally does not include a computer (users must bring their own). |
E110 | AV - Enhanced Classroom - Flat Panel Monitor | Flat Panel Monitor. The same basic technology as E111, except no ceiling projector. Images are shown on a large flat-panel monitor/screen on the wall instead. |
GPC | Computer Classroom - General Purpose | General Purpose Computer Classroom. This is a classroom with computer stations for each student. Due to limited availability, these rooms are pre-assigned. As of Fall 2022, all GP Computer Classrooms have PC computers. |
ILT | Interactive Learning Technology | Interactive Learning Spaces - Technology Enabled. Interactive learning environment that provide cooperative learning pods with one computer per pod and available laptop connections. These pods encourage student collaboration and peer teaching with technology that allows them to easily present work for review by peers and instructors. Furniture is designed to facilitate small-group work and the ability for instructors to interactively coach students during activities. |
ILS | Interactive Learning Space |
Interactive Learning Spaces. Interactive learning environment that provides cooperative learning pods without technology. These pods encourage student collaboration and peer teaching. Furniture is designed to facilitate small-group work and the ability for instructors to interactively coach students during activities. |
Banner/CLSS Code | 25Live Feature | Definition |
Z2 | AV - Instructor Speech Amplification | Instructor Speech Amplification. . |
V15 | AV - Interactive Display | Interactive Display (SMRT). Ability to annotate over any computer image. This used to be listed as SMRT. |
VPOD | AV - Lecture Capture (Zoom) | Lecture Capture. Ability to record presentation and instructor audio and upload into learning management systems. As of 2022, Lecture Capture is now available through the Zoom/Remote technology in the room. |
VPWR | AV - Power Outlets at Seats | Power Outlets at Seats. For those who forgot to recharge all their electronic devices the night before. |
DI | AV - Projection - Dual Image | Dual Image. Ability to display two different images simultaneously in the classroom. |
WP | AV - Wireless Presentation | Wireless Presentation. Ability to present and control presentations from a tablet or mobile device. |
IM | AV - Image Magnification | Image Magnification. Ability to project the screen images or activities from a demonstration table or hood. |
SS | AV - Surround Sound | Surround Sound. Classroom equipped with surround sound for films/video playback. |
WCRR | AV - Remote/Zoom Ready | Remote Ready. Room is set up for remote instruction needs. Generally self-service and able to be set up by the user without technical assistance. |
MIC1 | AV - Instructor Microphone | Instructor microphone. |
MIC2 | AV - Ceiling Microphones | Ceiling microphones. |
CFF | AV - Camera - Front/Instructor Facing Camera | Front/Instructor Facing Camera. Camera mounted/positioned at the back of the room pointing towards the front. Good for recording/broadcasting lectures. |
CBF | AV - Camera - Back/Audience Facing Camera | Back/Audience Facing Camera. Camera mounted/positioned at the front of the room pointing towards the back. Often used in videoconferencing. |
Banner/CLSS Code | 25Live Feature | Definition |
Z5 | Board - White | Whiteboard. Rooms that have at least one whiteboard of any size. |
Z6 | Board - White (No Chalk) | Whiteboard Only (no Chalk). Rooms that have whiteboards, but no chalkboards. |
Z7 | Board - Chalk | Chalkboard (Any Size). Rooms that have at least one chalkboard of any size. |
Z8 | Board - 25ft or Longer | Board >= 24ft long. Rooms that have writing surfaces longer than 24 ft. This includes white boards and chalkboards, so you may wish to combine this with Z5 or Z7 if a specific type is desired. Also includes rooms where the board may be shorter than 24ft but has sections that can be raised and lowered as needed. |
Banner/CLSS Code | 25Live Feature | Definition |
S0 | Seating - Chairs - Movable | Moveable Chairs (any). This includes both S1 and/or S3 rooms. The perfect choice if you want to be able to move things around. |
S1 | Seating - Tablet Arm Chairs - Movable | Tablet Arm Chairs (movable). Not bolted to the floor. |
S3 | Seating - Tables and Chairs - Movable | Tables/Chairs (movable). Some tables are more movable than others. We tried to include those that can reasonably be repositioned to meet the needs of the class. |
S10 | Seating - Round Tables | Round Tables. Round tables that seat 6 - 9 people. |
Banner/CLSS Code | 25Live Feature | Definition |
A4 | Floor - Carpet | Carpeted Floor. All or partially carpeted floors. |
A6 | Floor - Flat | Flat Floor. May be carpeted, linoleum, wood, or concrete. |
S5 | Floor - Tiered | Tiered Seating. Actually tiered or sloping, but generally fixed seating. Can be long tables, theatre style, starting flat and then going up, etc. Mostly large rooms. |
A7 | Raised Platform for Instructor | Raised Platform for Instructor. Be aware that not all platforms are wheelchair accessible. |
A8 | Windows | Windows. Some degree of natural light. |
A9 | Lighting - Room Darkening Capable | Room Darkening Capability. This was somewhat of a judgment call. We didn't include any rooms with those wimpy white shades or blinds that won't close. |
A10 | Other - Ground Floor Room | Ground Floor Room. |
A2 | Other - Air Conditioning | Air Conditioning. |
F2 | Other - Demonstration Facilities | Demonstration Facilities. Rooms with gas/air hookups, etc. Not just a long table to put your stuff on. |
FH | Other - Fume Hood | Fume Hood. |
F7 | Other - Periodic Table of Elements | Periodic Table of Elements. |
SINK | Other - Sink | Sink used for class purposes. |
Z03 | AV - Screen - Powered | Powered screen-up/down. |
Z11 | AV - Screen - Offset from Board | Proj Screen Offset From Board. One of the more confusing attributes. It includes rooms where the projection screen is not dead center of the front of the room. The screen may be half the front (to one side) or at an angle. Also includes rooms with multiple screens and rooms with one screen and writing surfaces on more than one wall. With multiple screens, the screen for the enhanced projector may still be centered. Generally more restrictive than the "Z12" attribute. |
Z12 | AV - Screen - Blocks less than 50 percent of Board | Proj Screen blocks < 50% board. Again, somewhat of a judgment call. We didn't include rooms where you have a bit of writing surface, the screen, and then a bit more of writing surface. We tried to include those where you can have the screen down and still have a single sizable chunk of writing area. Little whiteboards to the side don't count. |