When you drop a class, it must be done online by the drop deadline published in the Academic Calendar for that term.
There are different drop deadlines for summer term – each session has specific deadlines which are posted in the Academic Calendar.
A withdrawn course will appear on your transcript with a grade of W – it indicates the course was withdrawn after the drop period. The W grade does not affect your GPA.
For information regarding withdrawing, which is after the drop deadline, please visit the Withdrawing: Classes or Terms page.
To drop a course, login to Beaver Hub as follows:
Step 1: Log into Beaver Hub
Step 2: Select the Academics tab
Step 3: Under Academic Resources, click on Register/Add/Drop Classes
Step 4: Click Register for Classes
Step 5: Select the term and click Continue
Step 6: In the Summary box, find the course you wish to drop and select Drop Course from the drop-down box
Step 7: Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page
A confirmation message, "Save Successful" will display in the upper right. Under the Summary box, the Status column will indicate "Dropped" for the course.
From the Registration menu, select the Register for Classes section.
Select the term.
In the Action column of the Summary box, select Drop Course from the drop-down menu next to the class you wish to drop.
Click the Submit button.
If the class dropped successfully, a green Save Successful message will pop up in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and the Status will change to Dropped in the Summary box.