The Registration Hold Grant

Beginning in Fall 2024, the Registration Hold Grant program, an extension of the Financial Readiness and Success program, provides a one-time grant of up to $1,000 to help students pay their OSU bill to register for the upcoming term. The application will open the Monday of Week 10 in the fall, winter and spring terms.

Eligibility for grant 

  • Active degree-seeking undergraduate students  

  • Enrolled in the current term 

  • Unable to register for the upcoming term because of a financial registration hold 

  • Have not previously received a Registration Hold Grant   

  • Have no academic suspension or academic misconduct holds 


  • Students complete an application responding to survey questions about their financial need or hardship. 

  • Students who drop their courses or do not register for their CAFE appointment risk having their grant reversed. 

Process and timeline 

  • The Registration Hold Grant Program Committee has representation from the Office of Financial Aid, the Controller’s Unit, and Office of the Registrar. The committee administers the program in alignment with the university’s strategic plan, with oversight by executives from each respective division. 

  • Each term, the committee will proactively conduct outreach to undergraduates with a financial registration hold with information about the grant program and a link to the application. 

  • To apply for the grant, students complete an online application form and provide information about their financial need.  

  • The Registration Hold Grant online application is open Monday through Wednesday of week 10 during fall, winter and spring terms.   

  • The applications are reviewed by the committee and the grants are awarded prioritized based on students’ financial need, and subject to the availability of funds. 

  • Students are notified prior to the end of the term regarding the outcome of the application review, including the amount of the grant if awarded.  

  • The grant is applied directly to the student’s outstanding account balance and the students are notified via email. 

Purpose and alignment with Prosperity Widely Shared 

  • This grant program offers support for students experiencing a financial barrier to registration.  

  • This helps students persist and complete their academic program in alignment with the university’s Prosperity Widely Shared strategy where every student graduates.   

  • The successful pilot grant program in academic year 2023-24 affirmed the need and commitment to establish a sustained program.