Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Dear OSU students,
The start of fall term is finally here! We hope your term is off to a great start, and that you are getting connected with your fellow students, wherever you have chosen to live, study and work. We recognize finding ways to connect socially can be difficult during this time, yet it is more important than ever to do so wisely and with good personal and public health in mind.
If you gather together in-person, please remember to adhere to Gov. Kate Brown’s Executive Orders and OHA Guidelines and OSU’s Safety and Success Policies, including wearing face coverings, practicing physical distancing and not attending or holding indoor or outdoor social get-togethers of more than 10 people. We are each responsible and accountable for the health of our community. Behavior that places yourself or others in harm’s way will be taken very seriously by OSU. Should the university receive a report that a student or student organization has placed fellow students or your surrounding community at greater risk of exposure to COVID-19, disciplinary sanctions, including up to suspension or expulsion, may result.
We are in this together. Please always be mindful and conscientious regarding your safety, and the safety of others.
Dan Larson, Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Kevin Dougherty, Associate Vice Provost & Dean of Students
Oregon State University
Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs