OSU-Cascades community members,
The recent weeks have been challenging throughout Oregon State University, including here at OSU-Cascades. I believe that yesterday’s decision by the Board of Trustees to accept President F. King Alexander’s resignation allows us to move forward in a way that reflects and honors OSU’s values.
I appreciate that so many students, staff, faculty and senior leaders provided input to OSU’s Board of Trustees and Faculty Senate during this time. These messages served as a reminder that intimate violence is still all too common, and many in our community have been impacted. I also want to acknowledge the impact these last weeks have had on survivors, and hope that we can come together to support one another in finding healing.
OSU’s commitment to assess Title IX reporting and survivor services, and its efforts to improve survivor support services and the university’s prevention of and response to intimate violence – dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment and stalking -- will also benefit OSU-Cascades. I welcome you to join this important work and contribute to a campus climate that is safe and welcoming for all.
I am proud of OSU’s values and how we work together to uphold them at OSU-Cascades. As we begin spring term next week, I ask each of us to recommit to our community values, mission and our roles in service to our community.
Becky Johnson
Vice President