From: Associated Students of Oregon State University (Corvallis Students)
Hey, Beavs!
Happy Summer! ASOSU is excited to share more about the opportunity to access incidental fee-funded services over the summer.
Beginning Summer 2022, there is no summer incidental fee for student fee funded services charged to Corvallis campus students registered for summer courses. The summer incidental fee has been absorbed into the fees for Fall, Winter, and Spring terms, which means that summer access to incidental fee-funded services is available for any Corvallis-based, incidental fee-paying student enrolled in Fall, Winter, or Spring terms. Note that fees for health services and existing building debt service are still charged. So, if you paid the incidental fee in Fall 2021, Winter 2022, and/or Spring 2022, you’re able to access the services and programs available in the summer that are funded by the incidental fee. The Student Facility Improvement Fee will still be charged in the summer to Corvallis campus students registered for summer courses.
Please refer to the website of each incidental fee-funded program to learn about the services that can be accessed in the summer term:
Again, any student who paid the Corvallis campus incidental fee at least one term during the 2021-2022 school year (even if you graduated this year!) can have access to the above services.
If you have any questions about access to incidental fee-funded services, reach out to Student Fee Committee Chair Joe Page at [email protected].
Go Beavs!
Matteo Paola, ASOSU President; Joe Page, Student Fee Committee Chair