
From: University Information and Technology

Oregon State University Community Members,

We write to inform you that McGraw Hill, an online education platform that some OSU students choose to utilize, has reportedly had a data security incident and it is possible that confidential student data may have been made public as a result. In the reports, student names, e-mail addresses and grades were involved. Because the university does not contract with McGraw Hill for online educational platforms used by students, we are unable to verify at this time if any OSU students are affected by this incident.

As a precaution, we urge all students to be extra vigilant in the coming weeks as you may see an increase in spam and phishing emails. If you receive any suspicious messages or notice any unusual activity, please report it immediately to the Office of Informational Security.

You can find more information on how to protect your personal data and what steps to take if you are concerned about identity theft at the following resources: 

·       Federal Trade Commission 

·       Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Service Desk at or by calling 541-737-8787. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter, 

David McMorries , Chief Information Security Officer, Office of Information Security 
Oregon State University | University Information and Technology 

Send Date: 
Thursday, December 22, 2022