From: Associated Students of Oregon State University
Dear OSU Corvallis Students,
If you’re interested in leadership or representing your community the Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) has the opportunity for you! Election season for our elected positions has now begun. Service in elected positions begin on June 1, 2023, and next academic year will be the first with our new constitution implemented. The positions open for election are President, Vice President, Graduate Senator (3 open positions), Undergraduate Senator (15 open positions), Student Fee Committee Chair, and Student Fee Committee At-Large Member (5 open positions).
Registration to run for office is open until Feb. 15th. To register for candidacy please fill out this form that also can be found on our website. If you are running or considering running, please come to one of our candidate informational sessions. They will be held every Wednesday and Friday in SEC 294 at 5pm until registration closes. SEC 294 can be found in the ASOSU suite. Please also read through our elections packet for more information on election rules and regulations. More information on how to vote to come and look out for ballots opening on Feb. 20th.
If you have any questions about elections or student government feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or to the elections committee at [email protected].
Thank you and Go Beavs!
Sierra Young, ASOSU VP & Elections Chair, SEC 288