From: Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President
Dear OSU Community Members,
I write to update you on several important COVID-19 matters.
OHA Mask mandate update
Gov. Kate Brown announced Monday that beginning on March 12, the states of Oregon, California and Washington collaboratively will no longer require masks to be worn in indoor public places. The OHA rules requiring masks to be worn in indoor public places and schools will be lifted after 11:59 p.m. on March 11. The Benton County Commission will address the county’s own mask mandate when it meets on Tuesday, March 8. Today, each of the Benton County commissioners articulated their intent to align with OHA’s timeline regarding masking. No other county in Oregon has its own mask requirement.
Beginning March 12 in most OSU settings, masks will be welcomed, but not required. State and federal requirements for wearing masks in health care settings, within public transit, and in other specialized settings will remain in place at this time. Masks continue to be available in multiple university locations.
Proof of vaccination no longer required for indoor events
Effective immediately, OSU will no longer require attendees at designated indoor and outdoor events to show proof of vaccination (or provide proof of a recent negative test). As is the case with all public health measures required by OSU, if conditions change, we may consider restoring this requirement in the future.
No changes to OSU’s vaccination requirement planned
Up-to-date vaccinations remain an essential component to OSU’s COVID-19 response. No further changes to OSU’s Vaccination Policy, and date by which OSU students and employees must be up-to-date on their booster vaccinations (May 1). Based on the current federal landscape, no further changes to the OSU vaccination policy are anticipated at this time. Unvaccinated employees and students who work on the OSU Corvallis or Bend campuses continue to be required to test weekly. The Pathway Planning Team, in consultation with local public health authorities, will evaluate in early spring term when it may be appropriate to discontinue this testing requirement.
Vaccine boosters available on the Corvallis Campus
A Beaver Booster Clinic will be held from noon to 7 p.m. each weekday in Memorial Union Room 62 through March 4. Starting March 7, the clinic will be in the SEC Plaza through March 18. All COVID-19 vaccines will be made available, including primary doses for children. No proof of insurance, identification or appointment is required, but bring your CDC vaccine card if you have one.
As always, please reach out if I can answer questions.
Dan Larson, Vice Provost for Student Affairs, OSU Coronavirus Response Coordinator