
From: Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President

Good morning.

We have added candidate bios for the first two Chancellor and Dean finalists to the search website.

Dr. Sherm Bloomer, OSU Associate Vice President for Budget and Resource Planning, will interview on March 20 (Bend) and 21 (Corvallis).

Dr. Andrew Ketsdever, Interim Vice President for OSU-Cascades, will interview on March 21 (Bend) and 22 (Corvallis).

Information regarding the other two finalists will be added 48 hours before their interviews. Candidate C will interview on March 23 (Bend) and 24 (Corvallis). Candidate D will interview on April 3 (Bend) and 4 (Corvallis).

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Search Resources

Search Website
Search Advisory Committee
Leadership Profile
Candidate bios
Forum schedule

Evaluation forms (evaluation forms for Bloomer and Ketsdever will be added to the site today)

Gigi Bruce  |  Chief Assistant to the Provost   |  Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President  |   Oregon State University  |  541.737.8414 Office  |  541.230.0873 Mobile

Send Date: 
Thursday, March 16, 2023