Hello everyone!
I hope the start of your Winter Term has been a success and you are all enjoying your classes thus far. I and the rest of the ASOSU team wanted to reach out to let you know of some exciting opportunities coming up! This is a busy time within your Corvallis campus student government - the Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU)! ASOSU Elections are here, and you can also participate in the student incidental fee setting process. This email outlines the next steps for students to engage in these important opportunities.
ASOSU Elections Information
Have you considered getting involved with ASOSU? Running for an elected position is a great opportunity to participate in an active area of student life and use your voice for change at OSU. These forthcoming elections will elect the 2025-2026 ASOSU President & Vice President, Senators, Student Fee Committee (SFC) Chair, and SFC At-Large Members. The term for these paid positions span from June 1st, 2025, to June 1st, 2026.
If you are interested in running for an elected position, check out the ASOSU website here: Candidate registration closes February 7, 2025. Be sure to review the elections materials before registration. The ballot will be open from February 17 to February 28. Be on the lookout for more information about a Candidate Debate on February 24 at 6pm, televised through Orange Media Network (OMN)!
Student Incidental Fee Setting Process
ASOSU invites all students to attend deliberations on the Student Incidental Fee (that $527.07/term amount on your student bill) this winter term! The Student Incidental Fee pays for things like clubs & organizations, the Memorial Union, Dixon Recreation Center, SafeRide, Cultural Resource Centers, free student tickets to athletic events, the Basic Needs Center, Performing Arts, Student Engagement & Experience, ASOSU, the Family Resource Center, and much more!
Deliberations on the fiscal year 2026 fee will take place on:
All meetings will have a period for public comment. For more information, you can visit or contact Student Fee Committee Chair Sophia Nowers ([email protected]) or ASOSU Vice President Zach Kowash ([email protected]).
Best Regards,
Audrey Schlotter, ASOSU President