►5/30/2024: The Preliminary Grades in SSB9 launched on May 6, 2024. CourseLeaf bridge package to SSB9 complete. Faculty and Advisor menu deprecation scheduled for June 10, 2024. Parchment (transcript) portion of the project will kick off in July 2024.
►3/28/2024: Web for Advisors menu deprecated. Graduate Application for Graduation, Diploma Name, and Change of Posted Grade are live. Faculty menus in SSB9 are being reviewed for parity in SSB9.
►1/25/2024: Grad Application, Diploma Name, and Change of Posted Grade are in testing. Preliminary Grades is the last component of the project.
►11/16/2023: Close to being done with diploma name and RSVP. Moving to Application for Graduate Student Graduation. Posted grade entry is moving forward. Web for advisors is going away and a crosswalk will be shared. Preliminary Grades requirements are being written and connecting with related offices.
►10/26/2023: Advisor change of program link in SSB9 is live. Web for Advisors menu will be deprecated in December 2023. Faculty grading menu item Change of Posted Grade in progress. RSVP, Diploma name, and graduate student application for graduation in progress.
►7/20/2023: Working on Graduate student Graduation application, the RSVP process, and the Diploma Name. Assessing and prioritizing remaining work in the Faculty Grade menu. Aiming to deprecate Student and Advisor menus by the end of the summer.
►4/6/2023: The rollout of Banner 9 registration has been scheduled for May 9. Change of Grading basis will be live on April 17.
►2/24/2023: Registration is moving along at a good pace. User testing is complete on several items and others are ready for testing. Work is progressing on Change of Grading Basis. SSB9 registration should be ready to go live by the end of March. The next focus will be Faculty Self-Service and Grading. Student and Advisor records are to be completed in June. Work on Graduation Application, commencement RSVP, and Diploma Name Updates will be completed this summer.
►1/26/2023: Registration And Change of Grading Basis due to be complete by the end of March: Faculty Self-Service and Grading due to be complete by June; Preliminary Grades due to be complete by September; Student and Advisor Self-Service due to be complete by April; Commencement and RSVP due to be complete by June.
►12/22/2022: S/U and commencement tech overhaul projects are included in this project. Tickets will be submitted for the necessary modifications.