In Spring 2020, OSU will implement Schedule of Classes: PATH. OSU purchased a suite of tools from LeepFrog Technologies which integrate with Banner, and each other, to provide a modern, long-term solution to the student registration experience. The integration of PATH within the Schedule of Classes (SoC) will allow OSU to enhance the student experience for course search and registration processes with specific emphasis on:
Modern and mobile technology
Integrated suite of tools
Personalized search features
Background to the Project
PATH is phase two of the SoC implementation. Phase one was completed last year with the introduction of the SoC system alongside the Academic Catalog.
The PATH update will allow students to manipulate the SoC to deliver a personalized experience that draws from student profile information and academic history, adding increased functionality to filter and identify courses based on individual academic progression.
Enhance student registration experience by providing a SoC tool that is adaptive and personalized based on student profile information
Integration with student profile information to enhance student awareness of courses
A functional registration cart that provides course schedule options
Increase advising effectiveness through registration and student profile integration
Project Scope
Enhance personalization of SoC based on student profile while maintaining the quality of anonymous search capabilities
Present course options based on student profile and degree requirements in MyDegrees
Functional registration cart integrated with Banner Self-Service (MyOSU)
Enhance and expand search filters
Scope Exclusions and Limits
Will not provide for registration directly through the SoC
Will not provide detailed advising for student
Limited by complexities of student profile data in Banner and availability of degree plan in MyDegrees
Campus-wide training primarily for the advising community will be scheduled prior to release
Training documentation will be made available online and distributed to students
Fall 2019
Project kick-off
Core Team
Rebecca Mathern, Associate Provost and University Registrar
Mike Jefferis, Office of the Registrar
Belinda Sykes, Office of the Registrar
Stakeholder Group