Requesting Department:
University Information and Technology
Status Report:
►12/22/2022: The new dashboards should launch in January. Validation work will be ongoing but this project will be considered closed on the OtR-side as soon as the launch happens. From there, we’ll be entering the maintenance phase.
►12/22/2022: The new dashboards should launch in January. Validation work will be ongoing but this project will be considered closed on the OtR-side as soon as the launch happens. From there, we’ll be entering the maintenance phase.
►9/22/2022: Data and dashboard validation continues.
►8/18/2022: The soft launch of the beta dashboards was on August 8, 2022. UIT continues to work on requests for changes/updates and Decision Support is working on the protocol to structure future data validation.
►7/28/2022: The dashboard launches on august 8th for senior leaders.
►5/26/2022: Data validation has begun and will continue through July. Work on the data dictionary and the approval process for the data dictionary will occur this summer.
►4/28/2022: Data validation is underway. Next step includes developing the data dictionary/catalog.
►3/24/2022: OtR representatives attended a meeting to discuss the data validation process and the timeline. Validators are working on a dashboard for deans and VPs. The Office of the Registrar’s role is to validate all data as the data steward and trustee and expect to finish this by early August for a fall launch to OSU senior leadership.
►2/24/2022: Office of the Registrar technology team met with HelioCampus team in mid-February to discuss architecture and data validation process and timeline.