Status Report:
►12/22/2022: AR 12 component of project is complete. Withdraw from term is still in final testing, expecting to complete soon. Project is 95% complete.
►11/10/2022: Conducting end-user testing. Exploring job that only processes course withdrawals if the student is still eligible. Goal to complete the project by the end of the calendar year.
►8/18/2022: Still in the testing phase for AR 12 Individual Course Withdrawal and Summer Withdraw from Term process. UIT has provided all of the deliverables.
►7/28/2022: In the testing phase for AR 12 Individual Course Withdrawal and Summer Withdraw from Term process. Some minor revisions were made to the AR 12 portion after initial testing.
►6/23/2022: In the testing phase for AR 12 Individual Course Withdrawal and Summer Withdraw from Term process.
►4/28/2022: UIT’s ACT team is building the conditional logic for AR 12 limit, international students, and student athletes into the withdraw from term survey. Provided the technical specifications for summer term withdrawal process.
►3/24/2022: The withdraw from term survey is mocked up in Dev2. Working on the conditional logic needed to process withdrawal requests from international students and student athletes. Also working to build in the maximum limit of withdraws from AR 12. Starting to work on the summer term withdrawal process.
►2/24/2022: The withdrawal from term survey is in the development stage.
►1/27/2022: Have submitted system tickets to address the Withdrawal from term student survey; Automating withdrawals from Fall, Winter, and Spring terms; Automating withdrawals from Summer term (multiple parts of term); Automating withdrawals from course. Working with the Office of Services about the international student process to explore system support options.
►In the requirement specification phase. Due Date: Winter 2022