Status Report:
►1/16/2025: Development work continues. The launch has been postponed to go live with the Drupal 10 website project.
►7/18/2024: Developmental work continues. Data load into the academic calendar is due by the end of the calendar year in preparation for Winter 2025 launch.
►7/18/2024: Development of academic calendar underway. Design selection based on the MIT Academic Calendar and will include additional accessibility features and enhanced search capabilities. Academic Calendar will go live for Winter 2025 term.
►5/30/2024: Academic calendar prototype presented and approved by the project team. Development to continue through Summer 2024. The expected launch date is January 1, 2025, coinciding with Drupal 10 website launch.
►3/28/2024: UIT Marketing, Communication and Design will be working on an academic calendar prototype for the website. The configuration will be in Drupal 10 and projected availability in Summer 2024.
►2/15/2024: The workgroup is exploring system options as well as designs that are possible in Drupal 10 and meet the accessibility standards.
►10/25/2023: Project approved and prioritized for winter 2024.