The Academic Catalog is the primary source of information for student curriculum requirements. It is often referred to as the university's "contract" with students and in rare situations where there is a discrepancy between the Catalog and information distributed by colleges and academic units (such as advising guides), the Catalog is considered the accurate source. While the Catalog is primarily a student tool, it is also used by internal and external stakeholders for accreditation, compliance and transfer articulation.

Publication Schedule

The Academic Catalog is published on June 1 each year. If June 1 falls on a weekend, the Catalog is published on the Monday immediately following June 1. Curriculum changes follow Catalog Year Policy, with a deadline of May 1 for most course and program changes.

The following table outlines when changes are visible in the Catalog based on the requested term of an approved curriculum proposal. This table does not refer to the Schedule of Classes. Dates and deadlines for class scheduling can be found on the Scheduling Deadlines webpage.

Summer is the start of the academic year. When submitting a curriculum proposal, any effective term may be requested but the Catalog Coordinator in the Office of the Registrar will determine the final effective term in accordance with Catalog Year Policy, based on the approval date of the proposal. Effective term refers to the implementation date of the new or changed course or program. Refer to the following examples:

  • A course may request a change for winter term, this academic year, but Catalog Year Policy prevents mid-year changes so the effective term will be moved to summer of the following year.
  • A new course is approved for fall term, next academic year, but it will not be visible in the Catalog until next year's edition is published on June 1. 
  • A program being extended to a new location may request a fall term implementation but if that term has already commenced, the effective term will be moved to winter. 
  • A new program is approved for winter term, this academic year, but if it is approved after week 7 of fall term, the effective term will be moved to spring.

Proposers should always check the final effective term of their proposal when they receive the approval email notification.

Requested Term
New Courses
New Programs New Program Location Course & Program Changes
Summer, this academic year Effective term will be changed to fall term if approved before week 7 of summer Effective term will be changed to fall term if approved before week 7 of summer Effective term will be changed to fall term if approved before week 7 of summer Effective term will be changed to summer, next academic year
Fall, this academic year Week 7 of summer term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of summer term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of summer term June 1, next academic year
Winter, this academic year Week 7 of fall term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of fall term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of fall term June 1, next academic year
Spring, this academic year Week 7 of winter term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of winter term Immediately, if approved before week 7 of winter term June 1, next academic year
Summer, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year
Fall, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year June 1, next academic year
Winter, next academic year Week 7, next fall term Week 7, next fall term Week 7, next fall term June 1, next academic year
Spring, next academic year Week 7, next winter term Week 7, next winter term Week 7, next winter term June 1, next academic year

Curriculum Changes

Program pages in the Catalog (majors, minors, options, certificates) can only be changed through the curriculum proposal process. Some of the information on those pages is not subject to Catalog Year Policy because it is not curricular in nature, but a proposal is needed to make any changes. Examples include the overview content describing the program, formatting changes and spelling errors. The Catalog Coordinator will determine if the proposal is eligible to be expedited and if the change can be made immediately and/or if further review is needed.

College requirements and reorganizations, such as department mergers and name changes, impact programs and are therefore considered curriculum changes under Catalog Year Policy.

Academic Regulations (ARs) can only be changed with approval from Faculty Senate, on the recommendation of the Academic Regulations Committee. Changes to ARs appear in the Next Catalog, published on June 1.

Proposal Type

Required or Recommended



Add Core Ed to an Existing Course

Nov 1 (Required)

March 1

New Core Ed Course with effective term no later than Summer 2025

Nov 1 (Required)

March 1

New Core Ed Course with effective term of Fall 2025 or later

Any time

Week 6 of each term

New Non-Core Ed Course

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Change or Drop Non-Core Ed Course

Feb 1

May 1


New Program

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Major or Option Core Ed Change

Nov 1 (Required)

March 1

Major or Option Non-Core Ed Change

Feb 1

May 1

Minor or Certificate Change

Feb 1

May 1


New Course

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Change or Drop Course

Feb 1

May 1


New Program

Any time

Week 6 of each term

Change Program

Feb 1

May 1



Any time

Any time

College or Department Change

Dec 1

May 1

Non-Curricular Changes

Information that does not appear on program or college pages in the Catalog, such as admissions, financial aid, advising and accreditation, can be changed during the annual non-curricular editing period. This typically opens in March and ends on May 1. During this time, approved faculty and staff are given access to the unpublished Catalog website and make changes using an online editing tool. The changes are submitted to the Catalog Coordinator for review and if approved, will appear in the Next Catalog, published on June 1. Faculty and staff can be added to the editor list with approval from a member of their academic unit's leadership team. Requests to be added as an editor and other editing inquiries should be directed to the Catalog Coordinator.

Changes to contact information, such as phone numbers, can be made immediately by emailing the Catalog Coordinator

Other Resources

  • Academic Calendar: Lists registration deadlines for regular (11-week) and non-traditional (term extension, 5A, 5B, super term) courses.
  • Academic Policies and Procedures: Lists the curriculum policies.
    • Any curriculum policies not listed on the Curriculum Management website are enforced by the Office of the Registrar and exemptions are at their discretion.
  • Academic Regulations: All students are subject to the Academic Regulations as listed in the Catalog and are governed by the program requirements set by their catalog term.