Academic Suspension

Students who are on Academic Probation and have a subsequent term GPA below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Suspension.

  • The Office of the Registrar will notify you in writing that you have been placed on academic suspension
  • You will be dropped from any courses in which you are enrolled at the time of suspension
  • Suspended students may not enroll in courses and are not eligible to utilize any of the services of the university until reinstated
  • Suspended students are denied all privileges of the university including living in any university-recognized living groups

See Academic Regulation 22 to understand the rules related to Satisfactory Academic Standing.

Reinstatement following Academic Suspension Options

If you were placed on academic suspension and plan to return, there are three ways you can request reinstatement.

1. Request for Reinstatement by 24 credits of transferable college level coursework at an accredited institution with a GPA of 2.5 or above.

2. Request for Reinstatement by two year absence.

3. File a Petition for Exception to OSU Reinstatement Regulations for review by the Academic Standing Committee.

Regardless of the option you choose to pursue for reinstatement, please contact your academic advisor to discuss options.

Request for Reinstatement Process

For two-year absence or 24 credits of transferable college-level coursework with a 2.5 GPA

Complete and submit the Request for Reinstatement to the Office of the Registrar

  • Use your current, non-OSU primary email address. Your OSU email is inactive until after you are reinstated
  • You will need to attach your government-issued photo ID
  • Attach an unofficial transcript if your request is for reinstatement via the 24 credits of transferable college-level coursework and GPA requirement
  • $50 non-refundable application fee will be charged to your student account
  • The completed form with all signatures will route to the Office of the Registrar for a final review and processing

Please allow 5-7 business days for processing

  • When the reinstatement process is complete, a confirmation email will be sent from the Office of the Registrar with information on registration, ONID access, and other steps for a successful return to the university
Important Notes


  • Submit to the Office of the Registrar AT LEAST two weeks prior to the term reinstatement is requested
  • If the reinstatement depends on transfer work from the previous term, the request may be submitted no later than the first day of the term reinstatement is requested

Clear all Holds

  • All holds (e.g., financial, student health, student conduct, and academic holds) must be cleared in order for readmission to be processed and to be eligible to register

Check on Academic Colleges and/or Majors GPA requirements

  • Students are reinstated in the same college and academic program as the last term of attendance
  • Certain academic colleges and/or majors have specific GPA requirements. Please contact an academic advisor to discuss what the eligibility requirements are for reinstatement for the chosen major

Petition for Reinstatement

The Academic Standing Committee (ASC) reviews petitions for students on academic suspension for exception to OSU’s reinstatement rules (Academic Regulation 22). In order to petition for reinstatement, you must complete a Petition for Exception to OSU Reinstatement Regulations packet. The petition packet must include the following:

1. Petition form signed by the College Head Advisor

2. Academic Performance Agreement (see petition) completed with your academic advisor and signed by the College Head Advisor

3. Personal statement describing the extenuating circumstances that led to academic suspension and that describes the actions you will take to ensure your future academic success, and/or how any interfering circumstances have been resolved

4. Documentation to support reasons for academic difficulty

5. Letter of support from the College Head Advisor or your academic advisor



  • It may take several days to prepare the petition packet along with obtaining all the required materials and signatures – students should allow sufficient time before the ASC meeting. 
  • Only complete packets received by the petition filing deadline will be accepted and reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee.


  • Submit the complete petition packet to the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] by the petition filing deadline date for the desired ASC meeting date.

Committee Appearance

  • Upon receipt of your complete petition packet, the Office of the Registrar will automatically schedule you for the earliest available timeslot via phone call with the committee, and the scheduler will send you a meeting invitation from Outlook so you can confirm your appointment. If your petition packet is received after the filing deadline for the last ASC meeting date or all timeslots for all meeting dates have been filled, you must wait until the following term to petition for reinstatement.

See the ASC Meeting Schedule below for petition filing deadlines. 

Reinstatement for Spring Term 2025 – Classes Begin: March 31, 2025

Petition Filing Deadline

Due to the Office of the Registrar: 10:00 AM

Academic Standing Committee Meeting Date

Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Friday, March 28, 2025

Friday, March 28, 2025

Monday, March 31, 2025

How to Remain Enrolled Once Reinstated

Reinstated to Probation Status

Students who are approved for reinstatement will be placed on Academic Probation status and must achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA for the term to be eligible for continued enrollment at OSU.

Raise Your GPA

To return to good standing status after reinstatement, students must raise their term and OSU cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher.

  • If a student does not earn at least a 2.0 GPA for the term of reinstatement, the student will again be placed on Academic Suspension.
  • Withdrawal from the term or completing at least 50% of the credits with grades of P or S allows a student to continue on probation status.

P/N and S/U Impact on Reinstatement

It can be advantageous for students to keep assigned letter grades of C or higher to achieve a term GPA of 2.0 or above.

Students who only take Pass/No Credit (P/N) or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grades will need to earn at least 50% of the credits as P and/or S. Failure to do so will result in Academic Suspension because the term GPA was not 2.0 or higher.

With a 0.0 GPA and all N or U grades, there is no academic standing to calculate for the current term and a lack of demonstration of academic improvement; therefore, it defaults to the previous term’s standing or the academic standing calculation protocol. 

Contact your academic advisor prior to opting for P/N or S/U grade options. For information on Academic Standing, visit the Grades, Honor Roll, & Academic Standing page.