
From: University Information and Technology

Dear OSU Students, 

As we recently shared with you in a previous email, many Oregon State University community members have been compromised by email phishing attacks in the last few weeks. To contribute to data security for the university, we are requiring that all students change their OSU account password over the next week

We urge you to reset your password today — the process should only take a few minutes. Visit and click the ‘Change my password’ button. Instructions for changing your password are available at If you do not reset your password today, you will receive reminders over the next week. You will receive these reminders from the Service Desk until your password reset deadline, at which point you will be required to reset your password before you can use any OSU services that require a login.

We know this is a busy time for many students with registration, upcoming final exams, wrapping up the academic year and graduation. But we urge you to take this action now to provide for your data’s security.

If you are concerned that this communication may be a phishing email, you can access the same web pages linked above by performing a web search for ‘reset password oregon state’. Additionally, your password reset will require your login and DUO authentication.

Please contact the Service Desk at or by calling 541-737-8787 if you need assistance or have any questions regarding this information. 

Thank you, 

Andrea Ballinger, Vice Provost & CIO

Send Date: 
Thursday, May 19, 2022