
Dear OSU Community,


UIT will implement Duo authentication to access Microsoft Office 365 services from the web. This change will be consistent with the login experience for most other OSU IT services, and will improve security for the OSU Community. Email outside of a web browser, such as Outlook, Mac Mail, or your phones, will not be impacted by this change.


When: 3 November 2020 at 12:01 AM


What do I need to do? Be prepared to use Duo to access Microsoft Office 365 services when using a web browser.


Services affected: Web based Microsoft Office 365 applications. These services are primarily accessed at:


If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Service Desk at 7-8787.







David McMorries, Chief Information Security Officer, Office of Information Security

Oregon State University | University Information and Technology | 541-737-9561

Send Date: 
Tuesday, October 27, 2020