Project Summary: 

Due to the discontinuation of support for Self-Service Banner 8 (SSB8) by Ellucian, Self-Service Banner 9 (SSB9) will be utilized to ensure the continuity of the preliminary grading collection process. This project aims to implement, streamline and improve preliminary grade collection in SSB9, minimize unnecessary modifications, and ensure timely delivery of accurate data.

Project Charter
Strategic Plan 4.0 Actions*
  • Integrate and simplify technology systems, data practices and policies to increase our organizational agility

*This project was prioritized during Strategic Plan 4.0

Project Status: 
Requesting Department: 
Office of the Registrar
Project Manager: 
Autumn Landis
Last Updated Date: 
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Start Term: 
Winter 2023
Completed Term: 
Spring 2024
Status Report: 
►5/30/2024: Preliminary Grades in SSB9 launched on May 6, 2024. Minor job modifications will be made based off assessment in Summer 2024.
►3/28/2024: Requirements have been handed off to UIT and communications are being drafted. Implementation is planned for the 2024 preliminary grading season.
►1/25/2024: Final component of the SSB9 project. Requirements are written and will begin to build spring term.
►10/26/2023: Future state recommendations have been reviewed. Requirements gathering in progress.
►7/20/2023: Requirements gathering begins in fall and is expected to handoff to UIT in winter. Surveyed 1200 instructors and received 238 responses. Currently analyzing 2023 data for recommendations.
►4/6/2023: Development of current state process map, measurement plan, and customer journey map. Data analysis in progress.
►2/24/2023: Project kick off and workgroup formed.