Project Summary: 

During Spring 2020, the Change of Basis form was moved online.  The Office of the Registrar aims to take an intentional approach to move additional forms online so users have a similar user experience across all Registrar forms.  We aim to set clear expectations for workflows, reduce confusion for participants involved, and use a 21st Century approach to the current processes.

Strategic Plan 4.0 Actions
  • Retool the OSU experience for the 21st-century learner
  • Integrate inclusive excellence principles and practices into all aspects of the university
  • Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Integrate and simplify technology systems, data practices and policies to increase our organizational agility
Project Status: 
Requesting Department: 
Office of the Registrar
Project Manager: 
Autumn Landis
Last Updated Date: 
Friday, July 21, 2023
Start Term: 
Winter 2021
Completed Term: 
Spring 2023
Status Report: 
►4/6/2023: Progress continues on the Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade. ►2/24/2023: The two remaining forms scheduled to go online include the Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade and the Petition for Exception to OSU Reinstatement Regulations
►11/10/2022: Undergraduate Extra Credits Petition, Audit Registration, and Excess of One year Grade Change are all in the testing phase. Three remaining forms are Petition for Exception to OSU Reinstatement Regulations, Examination for Waiver or Credit, and Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade. The goal is to complete the project end of November
►9/22/2022: It is expected to finish Undergraduate Extra Credits Petition, Audit Registration, and Excess of One Year Grade Change by month's end. Requirements gathering and template update have started for the Reinstatement Petition but will require more time. The remaining forms are the Examination for Credit or Waiver and Petition Extension of Time to remove incomplete grades.
►8/18/2022: Confidentiality request launched on August 3, 2022. The Request for Reinstatement is expected to launch next week, and both of the graduation forms will launch after that. There are 9 additional forms to complete, though some may be deprecated.
►7/28/2022: The Confidentiality Request form is in the testing phase and stakeholders have been communicated to regarding the upcoming launch which is expected to be the week of August 1. The Request for Reinstatement form has been tested and once reviewed by the Records team will be launched. The remaining forms are in the requirements phase. David Sorenson will be taking over as project manager for the remainder of the project, which is expected to conclude by fall term.
►6/23/2022: Request for Reinstatement in the testing phase; Confidentiality Request and Dual Majors in development phase.
►4/28/2022: Petition for Educational Leave (PELP) launched March 15, 2022. Academic Fresh Start form updated to capture recent changes to AR 31 to include letter of support from head advisor or college dean. Language updates to Veteran Choice Act form to reflect updates from the VA. Request for Reinstatement is in the early stages of stakeholder engagement.
►3/24/2022: Petition for Late Registration launched March 9, 2022. Working on moving the PELP form online, updating website, and documentation and communication. Making minor adjustments to notary service request form. Looking to move more forms online.
►2/24/2022: The Petition for Late Change of Registration form has moved into the production testing with current students. The Planned Educational Leave Petition will be the next form moved into DocuSign. The template is being edited and tested. ►1/27/2022: The Petition of Late Registration is still in progress. The Parent School Letter for Veterans launches January 31, 2022, and will be the first online form to use Banner advising assignments and to route to CHA when no advisor is assigned. Planned Educational Leave form is currently being edited.
►Online Forms and Launch Month/Year: Enrollment Verification-March 2021 • Veteran Graduate Degree Applicability Form-March 2021 • Statement of Degree-May 2021 • Biographical Information Update-June 2021 • Veteran Choice Act-August 2021 • Veteran House Bill-August 2021 • Veteran Emergency Grant-August 2021 • Dependent Tuition Waiver-August 2021 • Academic Fresh Start-November 2021 • Student Consent to Release-December 2021 • Notary Service Request-December 2021 • Parent School Letter-January 2022 • Visa Commencement Letter-January 2022 • Petition for Late Registration-March 2022 • Planned Educational Leave Petition-March 2022 • Confidentiality Request-August 2022 • Request for Reinstatement-August 2022 • Request to Remove Late Registration Fee-September 2022 • Dual Majors in Different Colleges-September 2022 • Petition for Exception to University Academic Regulations-September 2022 • Graduate Extra Credits Petition - September 2022 • Undergraduate Extra Credits Petition - December 2022 • Audit Registration - December 2022 • Excess of One year Grade Change - December 2022 • Petition for Exception to OSU Reinstatement Regulations - In progress • Extension of Time to Remove Incomplete Grade- In progress