Project Summary: 

On October 13, 2022, the Faculty Senate voted to approve the new General Education Curriculum proposed by the Baccalaureate Core Reform Committee. Among other things, this action updates a 30-year-old curriculum, reducing its size and improving its legibility for all students, introducing a new course category to support students’ transition to OSU, adding a sequence of touchpoints to incorporate career-readiness, and expanding instruction fostering understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion. This curriculum both recognizes the value of aligning with the state’s Core Transfer Map—which facilitates seamless transfer among Oregon higher education institutions—and creating a distinctive and high-quality foundation for OSU’s degree offerings.

Provost Feser has appointed an Implementation Steering Committee, led by Alix Gitelman, vice provost for academic affairs and senior vice provost, to guide the important work of implementing the new curriculum. Implementation will be an act of shared governance between faculty and administrative support units. Faculty will use their unique expertise to shape learning outcomes, develop robust course offerings, and create policy and process. The administration will build structures that support Faculty and Students as they experience this new program. The anticipated launch date for our new curriculum is Summer 2025.

Project Status: 
Requesting Department: 
Office of the Provost
Project Manager: 
Kristin Benson
Last Updated Date: 
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Start Term: 
Winter 2023
Status Report: 
►3/28/2024: Core Education Roadshow is underway at community colleges to communicate the connections to Core Education and the Transfer Maps. Course proposals are being submitted by colleges and are in progress.
►1/25/2024: There have been over a dozen proposals submitted. A few adjustments were made to CIM form to improve clarity. Course articulation team is done with Oregon colleges and now working on other feeder schools which is expected to conclude by the end of March. It is anticipated that an AWA job will be used to mass upload to Banner from Sharepoint. Web pages are being inventoried for updates. Connections and discussions still occurring with others in the state.
►11/16/2023: There are currently 3 proposals for Core Ed courses. There are workshops to assist with getting them submitted. Still looking at the deadline for the 25-26 catalog. Looking to give faculty more time and tighten up turnarounds. Blanket courses cannot be used for Core Ed except 410 courses that can be submitted for review. The Course Articulation Team is going through articulations and intends to be done by the end of next winter term. The articulation site is being built to include Core Ed and the page and will take some time.
►10/26/2023: The Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) form for faculty to propose courses has been redesigned for CORE Ed.
►7/20/2023: Preparations are being made to onboard the new Articulation team and work processes are being developed. Staff that are ready can begin teaching core ed as early as summer 2024 though the formal launch is in 2025. Courses will go through a Teach-Out process to ensure that there are ample Bacc Core courses for students on existing Bacc Core catalogs.
►4/6/2023: The operations workstream is working on transfer credit evaluations for general education
►1/26/2023: Working with Curriculum Management and Admissions. The BaccCore committee will define the new general education approval process and then it will be built into CIM.