
Office of Undergraduate Education


Dear students,


As you gear up for your classes this term, study spaces may be more limited. While open spaces may fluctuate throughout the term, we have a fall term study space page that will be updated as new information becomes available.


Please remember to adhere to physical distancing requirements and wear a face covering in all study spaces.

OSU-Cascades spaces:

  • Tykeson Hall, TYKH 211.
  • Graduate Research Center, GRC 134.

Student ID cards also serve as keycards for building access. Building hours and additional access information are available at

Corvallis campus spaces:

  • Valley Library: reserve seats.
  • Memorial Union: limited reservations for rooms can be made at the Information Desk; first come, first served for lounge spaces.
  • LINC 100, 128, & 228: 10am-5pm daily, beginning on September 28 (reserve through Valley Library reservation site).
  • Tent spaces outside LINC and Johnson Hall: first come, first served; schedule posted outside tents.

For more information on fall term, please see the COVID-19 Safety & Success for Students website. For immediate assistance or answers to COVID-specific questions, call the COVID-19 hotline: 547-737-7211.


Best of luck with the start of the term,


Alix Gitelman

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education


Oregon State University

Office of Undergraduate Education

Send Date: 
Wednesday, September 23, 2020