
From: Office of Equal Opportunity and Access & Division of Student Affairs

Dear OSU Student, 

Oregon State University’s Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access invite you to participate in a confidential sexual violence climate assessment. 

OSU is dedicated to promoting and fostering a safe and inclusive working and learning environment, and information gathered by this survey will inform university efforts. Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, nonconsensual sexual interactions, intimate partner violence, stalking and sexual exploitation, is prohibited at OSU and can interfere with a student's academic success and emotional and physical well-being. Sexual misconduct prevention, support and accountability is essential to contributing to a safe environment in which all students can learn, grow, and thrive. 

Your voice is extremely important, and we want you to feel comfortable answering these questions freely and honestly. Whatever information you choose to share as part of this survey will remain confidential. All responses will be compiled and analyzed as a group, not individually. Your responses cannot and will not be connected to your name, student ID, email address or any other identifier.

The purpose of this survey is to help OSU better understand the prevalence, response to, and impacts of sexual misconduct on OSU students. Given the nature of sexual misconduct, some students may experience emotional discomfort while answering some questions. On and off campus resources are available for individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct, who may feel impacted by these survey questions, or would like to learn more about university resources. 

This survey will take about 25-40 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary, and you may choose to skip particular questions or stop responding to this survey at any point. Due to its confidential nature, the survey cannot be saved or paused to be completed at a later time. 

In recognition of your participation in this survey, you may be entered in a drawing to receive $50 added to your OSU Orange Rewards account, if you choose to leave your OSU email address at the end of the survey. 

Thank you for your time and engagement in helping address this important topic. We look forward to gaining a better understanding of student experiences within Oregon State University.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Survey Link

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

To protect the integrity of sampling, please do not share this link. This link will be active until May 31st. 

Thank you very much,

Dan Larson

Vice Provost for Student Affairs 
Division of Student Affairs


Kim D. Kirkland

Executive Director and Title IX Coordinator

Office of Equal Opportunity and Access

Send Date: 
Tuesday, May 10, 2022