Dear OSU Community Members,
I write to update you on the process underway to inform my selection of an interim university vice president and chief diversity officer. As I shared in my July 7 message, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer Charlene Alexander has announced her plans to return to Ball State University to help guide that university as its chief strategy officer. Her last day with OSU will be Sept 17.
Oregon State University continues to engage in work to end systemic racism and support the long-term success of all students, faculty and staff of color. My intention is to appoint an interim vice president and chief diversity officer by Sept 17 to help maintain the momentum occurring around this important work. In the fall, I will launch a national search for a permanent vice president and chief diversity officer, which will include opportunities for engagement and input by students, faculty and staff.
Over the past several weeks, I have been gathering input from faculty, staff, students and stakeholders. I write to invite you and all members of the OSU community to join me for an open discussion so I can hear your thoughts on the scope of the interim position of vice president and chief diversity officer, the qualifications needed in the interim leader, and other suggestions, guidance or concerns you wish to share.
Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2021
2:00 to 2:45 p.m.
Input also can be provided via this online survey through Aug 20.
Becky Johnson
Interim President
Oregon State University
Office of the President
600 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331