From the Office of the President
October 11, 2021
Members of the OSU Community,
Today, Oregon State University joins with members of Oregon’s nine federally recognized tribes, Indigenous community members, Oregonians statewide, Gov. Kate Brown and members of the Oregon Legislature in celebrating the state of Oregon’s first recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Oregon State University also recognizes the negative impact resulting from the university’s land grant history on Indigenous communities in Oregon. Following Congressional adoption of the Morrill Act of 1862 – which helped to establish land grant universities in the United States – the federal government seized nearly 11 million acres of land from 250 sovereign tribal nations, providing little to no compensation. Acknowledging this history is essential for Oregon State University to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities.
We celebrate the diverse cultural heritage and ongoing contributions of Indigenous people within OSU, the state and local communities. We also underscore our relationships with Oregon’s nine federally recognized tribes, pledge to support Indigenous community members, and continually advance diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice at Oregon State University.
Please remember each day that wherever you are within Oregon State University or within the state of Oregon you are on traditional Indigenous land. I also ask that we commit to recognizing this legacy at university events and activities, and by broadly sharing this new university webpage.
Working together, we will continue to create a university community where everyone is welcome and supported in achieving success.
Becky Johnson
Interim President
Oregon State University
Office of the President
600 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331