From: Cascades Research
Greetings OSU-Cascades students, faculty and staff:
With many of you working on research projects, we’d like to remind you that the 9th Annual Cascades Research & Scholarship Symposium is now accepting project submissions.
On Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at Ray Hall Atrium, students will have an opportunity to display and discuss their research with the campus community.
Please visit the CRSS website for information on registration, creating your poster, and submitting for the symposium.
Additionally, on Tuesday, April 12 from 6pm-8pm, we will hold a “Poster Information Night” for students who have questions on registration, poster submissions, or other items related to the event. While the faculty advisor will assist with the content of a project, this drop-in session is to help students with the logistics.
Be sure to check all date information on the website to ensure you are meeting symposium deadlines.
CRSS WEBSITE – All Directions
With Best regards,
Chris Hagen, Director of Research
Kristina Smith, Ph.D., Undergraduate Research Coordinator