
Message sent on behalf of OSU Board Chair Rani Borkar


Members of the OSU Community,


I write to share that the OSU Board of Trustees will meet Wednesday, March 17 from 12:30 to 5 pm. Vice Chair Kirk Schueler and I shared with you last week that members of OSU’s Board of Trustees would review the Husch Blackwell report issued on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and report back to the OSU community. That review prompted the scheduling this week of a Board meeting.


As OSU’s trustees, we are committed to accountability and openness. The purpose of Wednesday’s meeting is to review the findings and recommendations of the LSU report and discuss in public session with President Alexander his leadership over Title IX at LSU and subsequent information that has been shared about Title IX and handling of sexual violence and misconduct at LSU.


The Board has received written comments and questions from members of the OSU community. We appreciate the thoughts of each person who has written us, and we recognize the serious impact of this report on survivors of sexual violence and harassment and their advocates. We also understand the profound impact this is having on all members of the university community, and on Oregon State University as an institution. I assure you that trustees read each message, and we hear your concerns. There will be further opportunity for members of the public to provide comments at the meeting and in writing in advance of the meeting. More information is available on this webpage.


Following the public session, the Board will meet in executive session in accordance with Oregon law to discuss personnel matters. No votes or decisions are allowed in an executive session. Following the executive session, the Board of Trustees will return to public session for discussion and consideration of next steps and may take potential action. 


Over the next several days, trustees will continue to evaluate the information that we have received from OSU community members, stakeholders and the public, as well as from the Husch Blackwell report and subsequent information that has been provided publicly.


I know many of you have questions about the possible outcome of Wednesday’s meeting. I assure you that we are committed to a thoughtful process and discussion to inform our thinking and potential action.


As always, the core values of Oregon State University and the university community – and the mission of the university – will guide the Board of Trustees’ evaluation, deliberations and actions when governing the university. This includes trustees’ abiding commitment to contributing to safety for all, and fostering a welcoming, caring and inclusive community grounded in justice, civility and respect. We remain vigilant in upholding OSU’s commitment and responsibility to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual harassment and violence, and support survivors with compassion.


Please continue to direct any questions to [email protected].



Rani Borkar


OSU Board of Trustees



Send Date: 
Monday, March 15, 2021