From: Office of the Vice President, Division of Finance and Administration
Dear OSU Corvallis Campus Community Members,
Particulate matter typically found in water pipes was observed in drinking fountains on Thursday, April 13, in the Memorial Union and today, Friday, April 14, in Fairbanks Hall on OSU’s Corvallis campus.
The presence of particulates follows recent routine maintenance of a campus water line performed by the city of Corvallis.
The appearance of particulates after this type of work is not uncommon and does not affect the safety of the water at this time. The water is safe and will remain available in the Memorial Union and Fairbanks Hall, including at all dining facilities. This afternoon, city of Corvallis workers will flush fire hydrants located on campus and OSU Facilities staff will flush water lines within affected buildings. This work is expected to mitigate the presence of the particulate matter recently observed.
Any concerns involving water quality or other matters may be reported to OSU’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety by calling 541-737-2273 or by filing a concern on the office website.
Michael J. Green, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Chief Financial Officer