From: OSU Leadership
Welcome Students!
Fall 2023 classes begin Wednesday, September 27, and here is what’s new:
Check out more details:
Microsoft 365
Your email address has remained the same, but you will now access it through Microsoft 365Access, the same place you can access the full Microsoft productivity suite. You can view FAQs and more information If you have any questions or require assistance accessing your email, please contact the Service Desk at or by calling 541-737-8787.
Beaver Hub
Utilize the links at the top of the screen to find your Success Team, schedule appointments, view your tasks, and review the available resources.
Financial Readiness & Success
Check out the Financial Readiness & Success page to view the details of the initiative, and access campus support resources and FAQs.
We encourage you to prepare for winter term registration by checking your Financial Aid, familiarizing yourself with payment options, and reviewing your myBill portal.
To remain eligible to register your account status must follow one of these two options:
Option A: Your outstanding balance must be at or below $500.00 and unpaid balance from current academic term only.
Option B: Be enrolled in an OSU payment plan and current on your payments.
We hope you have a wonderful and successful term!
Sincerely, Oregon State University Leadership
Oregon State University