To the OSU Community:
Oregon will hold local elections in Corvallis and Benton County, as well as a number of counties throughout the state, on November 2nd. Deschutes County, home of OSU-Cascades, will not be holding an election at this time.
If you are not registered to vote, we encourage you to do so. October 12th is the last day to register in time for this election. Ballots can start being mailed on October 13th.
If you are not registered to vote, we encourage you to do so through ASOSU’s TurboVote site. This system makes it easy and efficient to register to vote, update your registration information, and receive election reminders. Access it here.
If you are already registered to vote in Oregon, please take a moment to review your voter registration information through the Secretary of State’s website. If you are registered to vote and do not receive your ballot, please contact your county elections office to check on your voting status:
Benton County Elections Department:
(541) 766-6756,
For all other county elections offices in Oregon:
In order to be counted, your ballot must be received by a County Elections Office or deposited in an official ballot drop site no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day: Tuesday, November 2nd.
Note: Postmarks do not count. The ballot must be deposited or received by November 2nd. If you are mailing your ballot, in order to ensure that it is received in time, mail it no later than Thursday, October 28th.
There is an official ballot drop site on the OSU Corvallis Campus at OSU Gill Coliseum. You can find additional ballot drop sites in Benton County here.
Note: On Election Day all official ballot drop sites will be open until 8:00 p.m.
More information for student voters can be found here:
For additional voting and election information from the Secretary of State’s website:
We hope you will take time to participate in the November 2nd Special Election.
Dhru Patel Taha Elwefati
President, ASOSU President, ASCC