From: Office of the Dean of Students
Corvallis Beavers:
With Halloween approaching, we are reaching out to provide some helpful information for your awareness. If you choose to celebrate the holiday, please do so in a responsible, safe, respectful and healthy way. We hope you will look out for one another and know what resources are available to help you have a Halloween full of treats instead of tricks.
While we know there will be events happening off-campus, we want to ensure that you are aware of free Halloween activities being held across the Corvallis campus as well. Regardless of what activities you engage in, our goal is to provide you with tips that will help you celebrate Halloween weekend in a fun way and contribute to your safety and the safety of your peers. Please keep in mind that as members of our Beaver community, we each play a role in fostering an environment that is safe and free of sexual assault and other forms of violence. To learn more about OSU’s Halloween activities and find resources on how to be safe and get support, visit
As an Oregon State University student, you are responsible for your behavior on and off campus. Please make sure you are familiar with the OSU Code of Student Conduct to avoid any potential university sanctions. We also expect students to comply with local, state, and federal laws.
We recognize that Halloween creates opportunities for students to have fun; yet, our actions and behavior should remain consistent with our community’s values. Let’s look out for each other’s well-being, respect one another, avoid cultural appropriation, act when we see something wrong, and know when to call for help.
We hope that each member of the OSU community will have a memorable and safe Halloween.
Go Beavs!
Kevin A. Dougherty, Associate Vice Provost & Dean of Students, [email protected]
Matteo Paola, ASOSU President, [email protected]