Dear Oregon State University Community Members,
As the next step in the interim president selection process, I invite you to an open forum on Wednesday, April 14, from 3 to 4 p.m. with the final recommended nominee for interim president, who Board Chair Rani Borkar will announce tomorrow.
The open forum will provide an opportunity for Chair Borkar to introduce the nominee and provide an update on the interim nomination process. The nominee will make a few remarks and take questions from forum participants. Information about the forum is available on the university forum webpage.
Feedback on the nominee can be made until 5 p.m. on April 15 at the above webpage. Your feedback will be shared with the OSU Board of Trustees in advance of the Board meeting on April 16 to consider the interim president appointment.
Board Chair Borkar appointed me last month to serve as her delegate to conduct the nomination and community engagement process for the interim president. You will recall that naming an interim president is the second phase of a three-phase process to select a permanent president over the next several months. The first phase was completed when the Board of Trustees named Provost and Executive Vice President Edward Feser as Acting President on March 23.
My thanks to those of you who contributed through the webpage feedback form and those who met with me in the more than 50 one-on-one meetings I held over the past two weeks. I am pleased with the enthusiastic participation of so many.
I welcome your engagement in Wednesday’s university forum and the April 16 Board of Trustees meeting. At the board meeting, trustees will take additional public input before considering the appointment of the recommended nominee as interim president. Further information on the Board meeting will be available at this webpage.
Thank you for your many contributions to Oregon State University and for engaging in this important process to consider the university’s interim leadership.
Patty Bedient
Oregon State University