From the Office of the President, F. King Alexander
Dear Oregon State University 2020 Graduates,
Due to the continued status of the COVID-19 pandemic locally, throughout Oregon, nationally and internationally, we will be unable to hold in-person Commencement ceremonies in Corvallis or Bend in June 2021.
Earlier today, we sent a communication to 2021 graduates informing them of this decision. We wanted to let you know as well, since we had hoped you might be able to return to campus for 2021 commencement ceremonies in Corvallis or Bend. For many reasons, including your and your family’s ability to plan possible travel and lodging, we believe it is important to announce this decision at this time regrading 2021 Commencement. While extremely disappointing, this decision was made with to protect the health and safety of OSU students, family members and university employees.
It is our sincere hope that at some point in the future, we will be able to invite 2020 and 2021 graduates back to our campuses for in-person celebrations. We cannot commit to when that might be, but we look forward to that day.
We will continue to update you as that planning progresses and hope that you are healthy and well.
F. King Alexander
Edward Feser
Provost and Executive Vice President
600 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331