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Title Last updatesort descending
Advancing equity social justice and Dr. King's legacy takes us all Wed, 01/19/2022 - 08:41
American Rescue Plan emergency aid Wed, 01/19/2022 - 10:31
ASOSU: Run for Student Government! Candidate Registration Closes Feb. 8 Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:57
Academic Standing Improvements Fri, 03/04/2022 - 15:43
AR 25h Enforcement Project Tue, 03/22/2022 - 15:59
Arts Upper-Division Course Differential Fee Coding Tue, 03/22/2022 - 16:08
As sorrow abounds following shootings, let us commit to end violence Wed, 05/25/2022 - 14:38
Announcing the 2022 State of Diversity at Oregon State Address Tue, 06/07/2022 - 15:23
A message from your student government: ASOSU is hiring! Wed, 06/22/2022 - 14:31
A message from Oregon's Higher Education Coordinating Commission Fri, 08/12/2022 - 08:47
A message from your OSU Student Government Fri, 10/14/2022 - 16:37
Announcing the 41st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Tue, 11/01/2022 - 12:42
A message from your ASOSU student government Wed, 11/23/2022 - 15:17
Add an emergency contact Tue, 12/13/2022 - 10:56
Academic Scheduling Wed, 01/04/2023 - 14:10
Academic and Classroom Scheduling Wed, 01/04/2023 - 14:19
Annual Notification of Alcohol and Other Drug Information Mon, 01/09/2023 - 12:07
Annual Notice to Students Regarding Privacy of Records Wed, 01/18/2023 - 10:42
Automated Withdraw from Course/Term (AR 12/13) Thu, 01/19/2023 - 15:41
A message from your ASOSU student government: We want to hear from you! Student Incidental Fee Process begins now! Fri, 01/20/2023 - 11:50
A message from your student government: ASOSU Elections – Candidate Filing Now Open! Thu, 01/26/2023 - 12:42
Active threat training on Corvallis campus Tuesday morning Tue, 03/07/2023 - 08:31
A message from your student government: Apply for a seat on Oregon State University Board of Trustees! [Corvallis Only] Tue, 03/14/2023 - 12:53
Academic Program Mon, 03/27/2023 - 14:23
Advising Tue, 03/28/2023 - 10:21
ASOSU Summer Hiring - Corvallis Mon, 06/05/2023 - 11:34
An update on Pac-12 developments Fri, 08/11/2023 - 12:04
Annual Reminder of OSU's Emergency Plans Thu, 10/19/2023 - 08:46
Annual Notice to Students Regarding Privacy of Records Tue, 10/31/2023 - 08:45
A message from your ASOSU Student Government: YOU’RE INVITED!! STATE OF THE STUDENTS ADDRESS Wed, 11/08/2023 - 10:42
Announcing the 42nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Thu, 11/16/2023 - 11:19
Agreement reached to end Pac-12 litigation Fri, 12/22/2023 - 08:27
Annual Notification of Alcohol and Other Drug Information Fri, 12/22/2023 - 10:41
Audit Registration Fri, 03/01/2024 - 16:20
A message to the OSU community regarding the encampment on the Corvallis campus Wed, 05/22/2024 - 11:54
Adding Courses Mon, 06/03/2024 - 10:53
