Modalities can be found by looking in the Schedule of Classes. Section modality will be listed under course details. Course modality will be indicated with course attribute. Course modality is what determines where the section will show up with the Course Modality filters on the left hand side of the page. Please note that while section modality and course modality are often the same, they MAY differ if there are linked sections with differing modalities involved.
Future terms may not have modalities determined yet. That information is updated when it is available.
Instructors wishing to use classroom space on Corvallis campus to deliver their remote modality sections should reach out to their designated department scheduler. Those schedulers will then work with the Schedule Desk to reserve a space with remote instruction capabilities for fall term using 25Live. Schedulers may submit requests directly using 25Live if they wish. This should be scheduled as an event and not on the academic course CRN, which will remain with “Remote Learning” as the location assignment.
Instructors on Cascades campus should send requests for remote instruction spaces to Konnie Handschuch, Scheduling Specialist.