Project Summary: 

The Office of the Registrar will be performing a comprehensive assessment guided by the American Association for Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Registrars Self-Assessment. This process creates a structure that allows for a deep review of practices, processes, and procedures. Additionally, looking at compliance areas, how our campus and community are being supported, and developing a future-oriented action plan. 

Strategic Plan 4.0 Actions
  • Integrate inclusive excellence principles and practices into all aspects of the university
Project Status: 
Requesting Department: 
Office of the Registrar
Project Manager: 
Karren Cholewinski
Last Updated Date: 
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Start Term: 
Summer 2019
Completed Term: 
Fall 2022
Status Report: 
►12/22/2022: OtR assessment workbook in review and feedback phase. Final summary to be prepared after feedback is received.
►9/22/2022: Wrapping up a review of the final action items, and identifying if any require attention or additional steps.
►8/18/2022: Currently reviewing action items and identifying next steps.
►4/28/2022: Review completed by unit representatives. Next steps: (1) Review of outstanding Action Items by Direct Report Team; (2) Review final Action Items for determination of next steps.
►3/24/2022: In process of reviewing the content completed in 2019 for accuracy. Following the initial review, OtR leadership will discuss areas, where there are questions or uncertainties, and the flagged items will be discussed with the Registrar and will determine the next steps.