Project Summary: 

A microcredential is a set of courses in a focused area of study. Microcredentials are narrowly focused on specific skills and competencies and when completed, provide validation of the skills and competencies achieved. Microcredentials are made up of at least three courses and eight credits. Typically, they are 8-12 credits, which is fewer credits than degrees and certificates and can be earned in a shorter period.

Microcredentials are awarded digitally through a badging system that can be shared with employers.

Strategic Plan 4.0 Actions
  • Provide distinctive curricula and support innovative pedagogy to advance our mission and vision
  • Retool the OSU experience for the 21st-century learner
  • Implement an integrated approach to recruiting and enrolling learners at all levels
Project Status: 
Requesting Department: 
Office of the Registrar
Project Manager: 
Jarrell Townsend
Last Updated Date: 
Monday, June 27, 2022
Start Term: 
Summer 2021
Completed Term: 
Spring 2022
Status Report: 
►4/28/2022: Awarding students for winter term completion of microcredentials.
►3/24/2022: Created report to find and award students. One badge is in Credly and Ecampus is working on creating the remaining 7 badges. We expect to award around 10 to 15 badges for Winter 2022 the week of April 4th.
►2/24/2022: Working on creating the badges in Credly and developing the awarding system.
►1/27/2022: The badging cart will be coming early-February and then there will be a following demo. The reporting portion is due by the end of Winter 2022. An FAQ and AOA website is being developed.
►Websites have been updated with information about microcredential opportunities at OSU. Students are currently applying for Winter 2022 admission into microcredential programs. Current programs include Business of viral content creation, Content development and production, Engineering management, Engineering mechanics, Engineering project management and Program fundamentals. Due Date: Winter 2022