►1/16/2025: The project has officially closed with the Office of the Registrar. Phase II will be launched as a partner project led by EPPO and focus on functional ownership.
►9/26/2024: Project work for the Registrar is entering the operational phase. Registrar side of the project is expected to close in November 2024.
►7/18/2024: Beaver Hub technical teams continue work on tickets submissions. Updates are being listed on the Beaver Hub announcement page. The Coordinated Communications workgroups continue work on policy and guidelines.
►3/28/2024: My.Oregonstate.edu dashboard is no longer available for student use. Office of the Registrar is reviewing data for the pilot of Benny Bot over the last two terms. Data will be used to make improvements and assessed after two additional terms of use.
►1/25/2024: Work is proceeding concerning resources. OtR's two Analyst/Programmers are still heavily involved in the project.
►11/16/2023: Focusing on providing academic advising with what they need for integration. Working to align access to BH with ONID access. Students with level 01 will continue with the activation of START, etc.The forever email for students has already been discontinued be looking into ALUM email addresses and incorporating a FERPA clause. There will no longer be an email to students when a case closes. The updated due date will be determined when the functional owner has been declared.
►10/26/2023: Provisioning of security classes, case management (email to case) set ups, and integration work continuing.
►7/20/2023: Email to Case - launching this slowly within the OTR. Advisors booking for active students will migrate to Beaver Hub.
►4/6/2023: Data validation begins next week and testing continues. The tool has been formally named Beaver Hub.
►1/26/2023: Workgroups working on Integration, Advisor and Student navigation.
►12/22/2022: Begin the “prepare” phase in January and begin working with our implementation partner, Attain. Work streams and leads have been established for this work.
►8/18/2022: The selection process has ended but selected vendors have not been announced.
►7/28/2022: The first round of demos is completed, and the second round of demos is scheduled for the week of August 22. A vendor is expected to be selected by the end of August.
►5/26/2022:The scoring team has begun scoring proposals as part of the scoring team. The initial demos are scheduled for early June.
►4/28/2022: Requests for Purchase (RFP) are due soon. Scoring workgroup is developing the scoring rubric which will be used to evaluate submitted RFPs.
►3/24/2022: In final phases of writing RFP. Due March 28 and go out the following week (April 4th).
►2/24/2022: The Request of Information has been published. Technology team is working on creating a full inventory of CRMs used at the university, preparing the Request for Proposal, and identify risks.
►1/27/2022: Functional needs and wish list items are being refined in mid-February. The Request for Information (RFI) will be sent out in mid-March to vendors and companies that can assist with the implementation.
►Vendor will be selected by 6/30/2022.
►New platform expected to be rolled out to students 6/30/2023.