►1/16/2025: OSU is completing the third implementation cycle for availability beginning in Summer 2025.
►9/26/2024: Courses for 2025-2026 have been announced and include: Biology: 231, 232, 233 (Anatomy & Physiology series); Chemistry: 104, 105, 106; Communication: Small Group; Intro to Intercultural Communication; Communication; Gender, and Culture; History: History of US pts. I, II, III OR Western Civ/History of Europe pts. I, II, III;
Spanish: 101, 102, 103
►5/30/2024: The eight approved courses have been approved and processed in CIM (Curriculum Inventory Management system) and are ready to launch for the 24-25 academic year.
►3/28/2024: Eight courses have been approved by the HECC (OSU teaches 7 of the 8) for 2024-2025. Three courses (all Math) need to be voted on by the transfer council but will not be voted on in time for Summer 2024 implementation.
►1/25/2024: The 24-25 CCN courses are underway. MTH 251/252 credit amounts are still pending a decision.
►11/16/2023: This is an ongoing project with five more years of work due to the connections to other institutions in the state. Not anticipating any new changes coming from the state and processes are set. Likely to close project after the second year of implementation and shift it to operational.
►11/16/2023: This is an ongoing project with five more years of work due to the connections to other institutions in the state. Not anticipating any new changes coming from the state and processes are set. Likely to close project after the second year of implementation and shift it to operational.
►10/26/2023: Review of 2024 courses selected for Common Course Numbering subcommittee work has began
►7/20/2023: Expecting to receive next year's course list. Curriculum Management is pulling data on this year's courses and what majors use them. This project will take three to four years to complete.
►4/6/2023: Eight courses have been approved by the state and OSU curriculum council. Courses are going through the appropriate curriculum management processes and will be ready for Summer 2023 registration.
►1/26/2023: Communication with unit heads has been sent and the deadline for changes in CIM is April.
►12/22/2022: The transfer council finalized the ten courses for common course numbering on December 16, 2022. HECC to give final approval in February. Courses include Comm 100, 111, 218, MTH 105, 111, 112; ST 243; WR 121, 122, 227. OSU to kick off operational work in early 2022.
►7/28/2022: The Systems and Operations subcommittee has completed their recommendations for the Transfer Council and it has moved to the Council for a vote. The SysOps subcommittee is currently evaluating nuanced details for implementation.
►4/28/2022: Operations subcommittee had its first meeting with the HECC and selected co-chairs. The OSU faculty represented on Common Course Numbering subcommittees met April 27 to collaborate and have an initial discussion about how we will process these courses in CIM.
►1/27/2022: The legislature is forming subcommittees and there has been a list of courses to be standardized for year one. ►Due Date: Phase I, September 2023