
Replace all functionalities of R25 Scheduling system with 25Live.

Appworx to AWA Migration

This project migrated technical reports and jobs from Appworx to AWA. This included training for advising departments across campus.

Institutional Degree Awarding Phase I

As part of Institutional Degree Awarding process, the OtR developed a new automated process to submit applications to graduate for multiple students. The new process uses an Excel file with student IDs and creates an application to graduate based on student’s latest curriculum information.

Honor Cords at Commencement

Our office, with approval from the Provost, changed the honor cord policy so that the Beaver Store no longer had to police which students were purchasing honor cords to wear at commencement.  Previously, only students who met the degrees with distinction criteria by the end of winter term were permitted to purchase cords for the June ceremony, regardless of academic performance during the spring term. This policy change now asks the student to determine if they have met the degrees with distinction standards and purchase cords accordingly.

Enrollment Verifications for Sponsored Students

Our office, in coordination with the Office of International Programs, worked to create a CORE report specifically designed to meet the needs of sponsored students who require verification of enrollment be sent to their educational sponsor.  These verifications are unique to this population of students, and were previously handled manually, which was a prolonged, confusing process. The CORE report has significantly streamlined the process.

Unindexed Nolij Document Cleanup

As part of migration from Nolij to OnBase, there were 6000+ of our office’s documents marked as miscellaneous, and unindexed documents will not display in OnBase.  A thorough review of each document was done to determine where it should be stored in OnBase and index appropriately.

Institutional Awarding Appworx Jobs

The transition to Institutional Awarding involved the updating of several commencement-related jobs including this one, which pulls names and addresses for the annual commencement postcard mailing. The job was updated to include not only those students who were graduates and candidates for graduation for the past year, but also the students graduating in future terms who had RSVP’d to the commencement ceremony.

Low to No Cost Course Material in ODS

In the transition to using LeepFrog software, low-to-no cost textbook data stored in the LeepFrog database, which houses our schedule of classes, needed to be available to ODS for reporting purposes. Departments needed to access this data so they could provide it to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Cancel Application to Graduate Update

Under Institutional Awarding, undergraduate candidates for graduation do not cancel their graduation status. Our office partnered with University IT to update the graduation application functionality so that graduate students still had the ability to cancel their graduation status while undergraduate would not be able to do so.
