OSU Goals For Supporting Financial Readiness & Success

►Support students anywhere within OSU to successfully complete a degree or credential at Oregon State while connecting them to resources to help manage costs.

►Provide clear, transparent information to students about the costs of college, payment deadlines and strategies to approach budgeting. 

►Offer expanded support and educational resources surrounding financial literacy and well-being.


Manageable Balance Threshold

By having the balance threshold of ≤$500 students avoid an unmanageable bill and have a greater chance of being able to remain enrolled and leave the university with a degree or credential.


Expanded Payment Plan Options

Increased the number and type of payment options available to students to have the opportunity for monthly installment payments. There will also be earlier visibility of Tuition and Fees to support proactive budgeting.


Financial Well-being and Support

Provides students with access to financial literacy education as part of their transition through orientation programs as well as their time here at Oregon State.

What Informed This Change

   Lowering the threshold will prompt students and OSU support offices to identify financial needs on campus earlier

  OSU has a duty to promote having a financial plan - to understand the cost of college, apply for and accept available financial aid, and assess the ability to pay. Resulting in students being able to make informed decisions while pursuing higher education.

  Approximately 10% of students are placed on a registration hold each term. For some that's a reminder to make a payment, for others it's a prompt to seek out additional support. We want to connect with those students earlier.

  No matter the balance limit, a student without a financial plan that cannot pay their bill each term won't be able to progress, they won't be able to graduate, and if they don't graduate, their earning potential stays lower and any debt they incurred will be even more difficult to pay off. 

  OSU recognizes the unique financial situations of our students and the complexity of paying for college and that is why funding has been dedicated to support the one-on-one support provided by the Center for Advancing Financial Education (CAFE) as well as financial literacy and assessment in our START and orientation programs. 

  Our $2200 balance threshold is one of the higher outliers in higher education and we observed students progress from term to term without completely understanding or resolving their costs of enrollment which has consequences that can be detrimental to their academic goals and personal finance position.

Executive Committee & Workgroup

Executive Team


Jennifer Ajeto

Office of the Registrar

Noah Buckley


Nick Fleury

Graduate School

Karen Hanson

Graduate School

Katrina Highland

Office of the Registrar

Nicole Hindes

Basic Needs Center

Steve Hoelscher

Student Affairs

Autumn Landis

Office of the Registrar

Rebecca Mathern

Office of the Registrar

Prem Mathew

College of Business

Amy McLaughlin


Melissa Morgan

Office of Student Orientation

Marleigh Perez


Lissa Perrone

Business Services

Keith Raab

Financial Aid

Jane Reynolds

Cascades Campus

Darleen Root

Office of the Registrar

Heidi Sann

Finance and Administration

Chris Young


Financial Readiness & Success Campus Presentation


View May 2023 Campus Presentation PDF

Presentation Includes

  • Financial Readiness Overview
  • Timeline, Budget, Communications
  • Financial Wellbeing
  • Payment Plans
  • Reduced Account Threshold
  • Mitigation Strategies