Classroom Scheduling

This section includes information about classroom features and reservations, classroom use policies, and scheduling procedures.

25Live Pro

In mid-2020, the Office of the Registrar transitioned from WebViewer to 25Live Pro (also referred to as simply 25Live) for event and classroom scheduling. WebViewer was completely phased out and replaced at the end of June 2020. Event CRNs will no longer be required or provided.

Questions regarding 25Live or this transition should be directed to the Classroom Scheduling Team.


See the quick links below to view different campus spaces in 25Live (login required). Some users may be limited to only be able to view one campus - if you cannot find the space you are looking for or you work on multiple campuses, please contact us.

25Live Information and FAQs


25Live Pro is web-based scheduling and calendaring software. It can be used to view scheduled courses and events university classrooms, request events in classroom spaces, and publish events to calendars.

25Live is used by the Schedule Desk in the Office of the Registrar to schedule classrooms for academic courses, as well as by the Schedule Desk and academic department representatives to schedule non-course events in classroom spaces. Usage of 25Live may expand to other spaces on OSU campuses in the future.

Scheduled classes will be visible in 25Live but are not directly scheduled in 25Live other than during the optimization process. The Schedule Desk and Department Schedulers use CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) to schedule classrooms for classes. For more information about scheduling classrooms for academic course sections, please see Scheduling Classrooms for Courses.

For more information and rules about scheduling events in Classrooms, please see Scheduling Classrooms for Events.


Any user with a valid ONID login may use 25Live to view classroom schedules.

Most students, faculty, and staff on Corvallis campus should contact their department scheduler if they wish to reserve a classroom for an event. The department or unit can sponsor an event on behalf of others. Other representatives from departments throughout campus, in addition to department schedulers, may also be given permissions to request GP classroom space on a case by case basis.

Approved schedulers for most OSU departments/offices/units/organizations can be found by searching for that organization in 25Live, viewing the organization details, and finding the Associated Contacts. Faculty/staff wishing to use 25Live to request events frequently should contact the 25Live Schedule Desk to inquire about gaining requesting privileges. Those individuals may instead be directed to department schedulers or others from their unit with requesting privileges at the discretion of the Schedule Desk.

Anyone designated as a department scheduler (or their backups) by the Schedule Desk will have access to request, at minimum, General Purpose classroom spaces for events in 25Live. Department schedulers who wish to use 25Live to schedule their own departmental spaces for events must request this access and complete training before they are able to schedule their rooms in the system - please reach out to [email protected] to start this process.

Approved student organizations may also use 25Live to request use of GP classrooms spaces (and some department classroom spaces). Each student organization should designate one or two individuals to be the “scheduler” for that group. A maximum of three students per organization will be given request capabilities in the software. Students should contact [email protected] to designate those schedulers and to determine if their organization is set up in the software.


Log in to 25Live with your ONID credentials by visiting or

All authenticated users will have view-only access unless they are approved for requesting privileges per the information above. 

Any users with requesting privileges in the software will generally be able to request use of some or all General Purpose (GP) classrooms. Departments may choose to have their spaces requestable in the software as well. Departments will be responsible for scheduling and approving use of their spaces in the software. Training is available on Canvas for department schedulers to gain access to 25Live to schedule their own rooms.

Please see the following PDF guides and instructions:

Please also see the following training videos for basic use and features in 25Live:


Scheduled reports (including daily and/or weekly emailed building or classroom schedules) are available to interested university faculty and staff. Please contact [email protected] for more details if you are interested in receiving scheduled reports.

All users may also request reporting capabilities to run their own reports with 25Live data. Please email the 25Live Schedule Desk if you wish to request access to reports; this access is not given by default.

Classroom Policies

Room Assignment Policies exist to have the most positive impact on the largest number of students at Oregon State University, while balancing our need to maximize efficiency in the use of our classroom space.

Classroom Scheduling and Use Policies

The following standards are followed when assigning rooms:

  • Classrooms are assigned based on class size (with priority given to larger classes), requested room attributes, and departmental building preference.
  • Seminars, colloquiums, classes and other regularly occurring events with a history of zero (or low) enrollment will be scheduled shortly before the term begins (approximately five business days).
  • Classes offered for credit take priority over all non-class-related or non-credit events.
  • Class sections requesting significantly larger rooms than their current or expected enrollment requires may need to wait until start of term to make those requests.

The institution uses many other detailed rules for scheduling classes that can be found on our website related to zone scheduling.

  • Departments that control classrooms or seminar rooms are expected to adhere to the time zones and to fully use those rooms before requesting a General Purpose Classroom.
  • When an assigned classroom is determined to be inadequate for a disabled student or instructor, Disability Access Services will ask the Schedule Desk to reassign the class to a suitable classroom.
  • If a suitable available classroom cannot be found, another class may have to be moved to accommodate the request. In the event that a course section is moved (either to accommodate a student in that class or another class) the Schedule Desk will contact the department schedulers of the sections being moved. It is the department scheduler’s responsibility to communicate the relocation and the reason to the instructors of those courses.
  • If a section has been relocated to accommodate a student with a disability, the department scheduler should not request to move the class again except under very unusual circumstances.
  • Seating capacity is specified in accordance with state and city safety regulations. If it appears that student demand will surpass the scheduled room, departments should contact the Schedule Desk for alternate space. Overcrowding violates safety codes. It is unacceptable for students not to have appropriate seating.
  • Furniture and equipment such as overheads, chairs, and tables must not be removed from any classroom. If a room does not contain adequate facilities to meet the scheduled maximum enrollment or equipment needs, the instructor should contact the department scheduler for assistance. The department scheduler will work with the Schedule Desk to resolve the problem.
  • Departments should assess anticipated enrollment and base any adjustments on actual course enrollment during the previous corresponding term. Enrollment increases should not exceed 15 percent of the previous corresponding term. Departments projecting an increase greater than 15 percent must add written justification into the Internal Notes on the section in CLSS.
  • Any requests to change a classroom assignment must be made through the department’s designated scheduler. The department scheduler will submit the request to the Schedule Desk via email. Instructors may not move their class from an assigned room without prior approval from the Schedule Desk.
  • In case of an emergency evacuation of a classroom or building, the department should ask the Schedule Desk to relocate classes.
  • Requests for larger classrooms may be submitted any time enrollment has reached the maximum capacity of the classroom in which it is scheduled AND there are students on a waitlist, otherwise waiting/needing to register, or there is a reasonable expectation that enrollment will increase. Because of our limited classroom inventory, larger spaces cannot be guaranteed. Increasing enrollment caps or using capacity overrides before a new room is scheduled is not permitted.
  • Requests for larger classrooms for any other reasons may not be submitted to our office until two weeks prior to term start at the earliest; these request cannot always be accommodated and many requests may not be scheduled until week 3 of the term, depending on available classroom inventory.
  • Instructors wishing to have classrooms larger than their enrollment necessitates are advised to schedule their sections during non-peak hours (peak hours being 10am - 3pm Monday-Thursday) and to strictly adhere to all zone and scheduling rules.
  • If your request for a larger room is denied, the Academic Scheduling Team will let you know when you may resubmit your request (if at all). Requests are not held in a queue.
  • Requests for a change in classroom because there is a reasonable and/or pedagogical reason the room will not work for the class may be submitted at any time and will be accommodated at the discretion of the Academic Scheduling Team if appropriate space is available. Departments are advised to include room attributes required for these classes prior to Room Assignment Phase. Repeated requests to move particular sections each term without efforts to include desired attributes may result in denial of requests.
  • Requests for a change in classroom for EOA accommodations may be submitted at any time. Departments should make efforts to request specific rooms or buildings for EOA accommodations as early as possible in the scheduling process, ideally before Room Assignment Phase so an appropriate room might be pre-assigned.
  • Any other requests for a change in classroom assignment can be submitted two weeks prior to the start of the term with written justification in CLSS. "I don't like the room" is not appropriate justification.
  • If your request for a different room is denied, the Academic Scheduling Team will let you know when you may resubmit your request (if at all). Requests are not held in a queue.


Faculty and instructors are responsible for sharing the ten-minute 'pass time' between classes. Every effort should be made to vacate the classroom in a timely way, allowing the following instructor to set-up and prepare, as well as allow the finishing instructor to make final remarks and gather materials. There is no 'ownership' of this time. Students should be encouraged to meet with the instructor during office hours rather than during the "pass time". Should conflicts develop, instructors should first attempt to resolve the concerns between themselves. If the result is unsatisfactory, conflicts must be mediated by department chairs.

  • GP Classrooms may only be used for scheduled courses or confirmed events with the express permission of the Schedule Desk in the Office of the Registrar. Classes should not be moved or switched without the permission of the Schedule Desk. Permission for event reservations can only be given via email confirmation from the Schedule Desk.
  • Food and drink are not permitted in academic classrooms.
  • If furniture is moved within the classroom for classes or events, it must be returned to its original position at the conclusion of the class or event.
  • Furniture should never be removed or added to a classroom without permission from the Schedule Desk.
  • Some events may be denied use of classroom space if the event is inappropriate for the purpose of the classroom.
  • The possession, consumption, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is prohibited in all classrooms.
  • Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times, especially while classes are in session
  • Classes may be moved at the discretion of the Schedule Desk.
  • Academic Technology, 541-737-2121, maintains and repairs all audio/video technology in a classroom. For immediate assistance, pick up the help phone in the classroom for direct connection to the Academic Technology's Service Desk.
  • Facilities Services Work Coordination Center, 541-737-2969, handles classroom furniture requests, damage, seating, heating/air conditioning, or other maintenance issues.
  • Custodial Services, 541-737-2157 (most rooms) or [email protected] (BALE, BEXL, GILK only), for rooms needing chalk, dry erase markers, erasers, new light bulbs, or needing clean up.

Classroom Definitions

General Purpose (GP) Classrooms

General Purpose Classrooms are scheduled centrally by the Schedule Desk in the Registrar's Office through your college or departmental representative.

Departmental Classrooms

Departmentally controlled classrooms are assigned as requested and directed by departments. Maintenance, scheduling, and inventory of those classrooms is the responsibility of the controlling department.

Enhanced Classrooms

Enhanced classrooms are computer-equipped and networked to campus servers for classes ranging in size from 21 to 615. Enhanced Classrooms may have either ceiling projectors or wall mounted, flat panel displays. All Enhanced Classrooms include a document camera. A full-time support person is on-call to assist faculty with equipment or network problems. Please see 25Live for enhanced classrooms.

Remote Learning/Web Collaboration Technology

Most General Purpose classrooms and many Departmental Classrooms are now equipped with Remote Learning/Web Collaboration technologies, including various styles and setups of cameras and microphones. While most classrooms equipped with these technologies are "Remote Ready," meaning that individuals may use them to deliver classes and meetings remotely without assistance, while a limited number require either training to use or a technician to be present to assist. Camera setup may include front/instructor facing cameras, back/audience facing cameras, both, or a movable tripod camera or webcam. Microphones may include instructor lavalier (clip) microphones, ceiling microphones, both, or integrated webcam/computer/soundbar microphones. A number of portable kits (a.k.a. Flex Kits) are also available for classrooms without installed Web Collaboration Technology.

Computer Station Classrooms

There are five General Purpose Computer Classrooms available for departments to use for classes and events.

Please use 25Live to see room schedules or request use of GP Computer Classrooms (only authorized users will be able to make requests).


Room No.



25Live Link
Bexell Hall 324 48 PC Computer Classroom BEXL 324
Kidder Hall 028 34 PC Computer Classroom KIDD 028
Kidder Hall 033 29 PC Computer Classroom KIDD 033
Strand Agriculture Hall 363 29 PC Computer Classroom STAG 363
Cascades Hall 118 24 PC Computer Classroom CASC 118

Hardware and software questions in computer classrooms? Send email to [email protected]

Instructors and students will need an ONID account to log in and use computers in these classrooms. Visit the room before your first class to insure it meets your needs and that the software you need is available.

Scheduling Classrooms for Courses


The Schedule Desk assigns classes to General Purpose (GP) classrooms using 25Live room scheduling software. Classrooms are also scheduled by the Schedule Desk and department schedulers in CLSS.

  • Departmentally controlled classrooms are assigned as requested by and at the direction of departments that control those classrooms. Departments wishing to borrow another unit’s classroom space should reach out to that department’s scheduler.
  • General Purpose (GP) classrooms are classrooms which are scheduled and controlled by the Office of the Registrar. These rooms should only be requested via approved department schedulers. They are available for use by any department for classes. These rooms are assigned to academic course sections based on class size (with priority given to larger classes), room features/attributes, and with regards to departmental building preferences. They may also be scheduled for meetings and limited events using 25Live (contact your department scheduler to request).

Course Classroom Scheduling Information


Building Preferences are buildings that your department overall would prefer to be in when assigned a General Purpose Classroom. These building assignments are not guaranteed and are only one factor that the scheduling software takes into account. To update or review building preferences for your department, have your department scheduler contact the Schedule Desk.


Classroom Attributes are the attributes you require — not desire an assigned GP classrooms to have for a particular course section. Consider carefully which attributes are truly needed for a class and do not request combinations of attributes that do not exist or if there are not appropriately sized classrooms for the section you're scheduling. If you have very specific attribute needs, you should also consider scheduling during non-peak hours (peak hours are 10am-2pm weekdays, particularly Tuesday/Thursday) to increase your chances of getting that room. The Schedule Desk cannot guarantee particular room attributes for sections requesting GP classrooms, but we can work with departments to find a time where a desired room is available.

Any combination of up to three attributes may be included for individual CRN sections in CLSS. Attributes should be added in Plan or Proof Phase for the term (i.e. prior to Room Assignment Phase).

Also, be aware that all attributes are treated as "AND" requirements. For example, if you list requirements two conflicting attributes for one section such as "S1" (Tablet Arm Chairs (movable)) and "S3" (Tables/Chairs (movable)), the system will only find you rooms with both, of which there are none and the section may miss the first phase of room assignments.

We have supplied attributes to encompass many "OR" situations, such as the "S0" (Moveable Chairs (any)) attribute, which includes rooms with movable tables and chairs AND rooms with movable tablet arm chairs.

DO NOT request a combination that physically does not exist on campus. This is not the place to indicate to Facilities Services what kind of rooms we should have.

Room Attributes for Class Scheduling

Below is a list of current room attributes, their Banner code, their 25Live Feature translation, and (in most cases) a short definition of what the attribute is. Most of these attributes are things that a scheduler may wish to request for room assignment purposes using CLSS.

There are many attributes/features in 25Live that we track outside of this list but that we wouldn't expect or don't allow anyone to request for classes. Keeping these separate allows us to manage our inventory, help to assist with room selection in 25Live, while not overburdening our scheduling optimizer with too many options and combinations.

CLSS includes a list of pre-approved room attribute groupings that can be assigned to a CRN. If one does not exist in the system that you wish to request, please contact [email protected]. There may be groupings we will not allow or that do not exist. There may also be rules built into CLSS to prevent requesting specific attribute groupings if the max enrollment for the section is not appropriate for existing spaces with those attributes.

Valid Room Attributes
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
GP Classroom - General Purpose General Purpose Room. We add this automatically when entering attributes. You do not need to write this, but you will see it on the report. You can also write this in if you wish the system to ignore departmental requirements and give you any appropriately sized and located GP room.
E111 AV - Enhanced Classroom - Ceiling Projector Enhanced Classroom Projector. Fully enhanced with projection onto an appropriately sized white screen.
E112 AV - Enhanced Classroom - Monitor Cart Monitor Cart. Monitor cart for displaying images/presentation. Generally does not include a computer (users must bring their own).
E110 AV - Enhanced Classroom - Flat Panel Monitor Flat Panel Monitor. The same basic technology as E111, except no ceiling projector. Images are shown on a large flat-panel monitor/screen on the wall instead.
GPC Computer Classroom - General Purpose General Purpose Computer Classroom. This is a classroom with computer stations for each student. Due to limited availability, these rooms are pre-assigned. As of Fall 2022, all GP Computer Classrooms have PC computers.
ILT Interactive Learning Technology Interactive Learning Spaces - Technology Enabled. Interactive learning environment that provide cooperative learning pods with one computer per pod and available laptop connections. These pods encourage student collaboration and peer teaching with technology that allows them to easily present work for review by peers and instructors.  Furniture is designed to facilitate small-group work and the ability for instructors to interactively coach students during activities.
ILS Interactive Learning Space

Interactive Learning Spaces. Interactive learning environment that provides cooperative learning pods without technology. These pods encourage student collaboration and peer teaching. Furniture is designed to facilitate small-group work and the ability for instructors to interactively coach students during activities.

Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
Z2 AV - Instructor Speech Amplification Instructor Speech Amplification. .
V15 AV - Interactive Display Interactive Display (SMRT). Ability to annotate over any computer image. This used to be listed as SMRT.
VPOD AV - Lecture Capture (Zoom) Lecture Capture. Ability to record presentation and instructor audio and upload into learning management systems. As of 2022, Lecture Capture is now available through the Zoom/Remote technology in the room.
VPWR AV - Power Outlets at Seats Power Outlets at Seats. For those who forgot to recharge all their electronic devices the night before.
DI AV - Projection - Dual Image Dual Image.  Ability to display two different images simultaneously in the classroom.
WP AV - Wireless Presentation Wireless Presentation.  Ability to present and control presentations from a tablet or mobile device.
IM AV - Image Magnification Image Magnification. Ability to project the screen images or activities from a demonstration table or hood.
SS AV - Surround Sound Surround Sound. Classroom equipped with surround sound for films/video playback.
WCRR AV - Remote/Zoom Ready Remote Ready. Room is set up for remote instruction needs. Generally self-service and able to be set up by the user without technical assistance.
MIC1 AV - Instructor Microphone Instructor microphone.
MIC2 AV - Ceiling Microphones Ceiling microphones.
CFF AV - Camera - Front/Instructor Facing Camera Front/Instructor Facing Camera. Camera mounted/positioned at the back of the room pointing towards the front. Good for recording/broadcasting lectures.
CBF AV - Camera - Back/Audience Facing Camera Back/Audience Facing Camera. Camera mounted/positioned at the front of the room pointing towards the back. Often used in videoconferencing.
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
Z5 Board - White Whiteboard. Rooms that have at least one whiteboard of any size.
Z6 Board - White (No Chalk) Whiteboard Only (no Chalk). Rooms that have whiteboards, but no chalkboards.
Z7 Board - Chalk Chalkboard (Any Size). Rooms that have at least one chalkboard of any size.
Z8 Board - 25ft or Longer Board >= 24ft long. Rooms that have writing surfaces longer than 24 ft. This includes white boards and chalkboards, so you may wish to combine this with Z5 or Z7 if a specific type is desired. Also includes rooms where the board may be shorter than 24ft but has sections that can be raised and lowered as needed.
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
S0 Seating - Chairs - Movable Moveable Chairs (any). This includes both S1 and/or S3 rooms. The perfect choice if you want to be able to move things around.
S1 Seating - Tablet Arm Chairs - Movable Tablet Arm Chairs (movable). Not bolted to the floor.
S3 Seating - Tables and Chairs - Movable Tables/Chairs (movable). Some tables are more movable than others. We tried to include those that can reasonably be repositioned to meet the needs of the class.
S10 Seating  - Round Tables Round Tables.  Round tables that seat 6 - 9 people.
Banner/CLSS Code 25Live Feature Definition
A4 Floor - Carpet Carpeted Floor. All or partially carpeted floors.
A6 Floor - Flat Flat Floor. May be carpeted, linoleum, wood, or concrete.
S5 Floor - Tiered Tiered Seating. Actually tiered or sloping, but generally fixed seating. Can be long tables, theatre style, starting flat and then going up, etc. Mostly large rooms.
A7 Raised Platform for Instructor Raised Platform for Instructor. Be aware that not all platforms are wheelchair accessible.
A8 Windows Windows. Some degree of natural light.
A9 Lighting - Room Darkening Capable Room Darkening Capability. This was somewhat of a judgment call. We didn't include any rooms with those wimpy white shades or blinds that won't close.
A10 Other - Ground Floor Room Ground Floor Room.
A2 Other - Air Conditioning Air Conditioning.
F2 Other - Demonstration Facilities Demonstration Facilities. Rooms with gas/air hookups, etc. Not just a long table to put your stuff on.
FH Other - Fume Hood Fume Hood.
F7 Other - Periodic Table of Elements Periodic Table of Elements.
SINK Other - Sink Sink used for class purposes.
Z03 AV - Screen - Powered Powered screen-up/down.
Z11 AV - Screen - Offset from Board Proj Screen Offset From Board. One of the more confusing attributes. It includes rooms where the projection screen is not dead center of the front of the room. The screen may be half the front (to one side) or at an angle. Also includes rooms with multiple screens and rooms with one screen and writing surfaces on more than one wall. With multiple screens, the screen for the enhanced projector may still be centered. Generally more restrictive than the "Z12" attribute.
Z12 AV - Screen - Blocks less than 50 percent of Board Proj Screen blocks < 50% board. Again, somewhat of a judgment call. We didn't include rooms where you have a bit of writing surface, the screen, and then a bit more of writing surface. We tried to include those where you can have the screen down and still have a single sizable chunk of writing area. Little whiteboards to the side don't count.

Scheduling Classrooms for Events

GP Classrooms may be scheduled for events for departments and approved student organizations after classroom assignments are finalized for a term. Rooms may be scheduled with a tentative status for the first two weeks of any term; classes are still being moved and added through this time and rooms must be available to make those changes.

Reservations are required in 25Live to use General Purpose classrooms for everything other than scheduled classes (which must also be scheduled through the Schedule Desk via CLSS). This is to prevent scheduling conflicts, ensure the safety of students and faculty in case of an emergency, and manage crisis response effectively.

Event Classroom Scheduling and FAQs

  • Scheduled classes always take priority over events in academic spaces.
  • Please allow three business days to complete your request.
  • Events in classrooms during the term are often not scheduled until one or two weeks prior to term start - we are moving classes sections around through week 2 of any given term and need classroom inventory available to make those changes
  • Events during the instructional day for first two weeks of a term can often not be confirmed until 1 day prior to the event. If you need earlier confirmation of an event during the first two weeks of the term, please find other spaces on campus that are dedicated to event scheduling.
  • Events during the instructional day for weeks 3-10 of a term can often not be confirmed until the Friday of week 2. If you need earlier confirmation of an event during the term, please find other spaces on campus that are dedicated to event scheduling.
  • Events during finals week can often not be confirmed until week 9 of the term. If you need earlier confirmation of an event during the term, please find other spaces on campus that are dedicated to event scheduling. Student groups are not permitted to schedule events during finals week at all.
  • Weekend or evening events may be scheduled or confirmed earlier than indicated above at the discretion of the Academic and Classroom Scheduling team.

Events and meetings taking place in university classrooms are expected to follow all guidelines and protocols set forth by Oregon State University and the State of Oregon. See Oregon State University COVID-19 Safety & Success for Resources and Updates. Event requestors needing or wanting additional support for resumption of in-person events may fill out University Relations and Marketing's In-Person Event Resumption Form.


  • Food and drink are not allowed in GP classrooms.
  • Student groups may not schedule events during Finals week of any term.
  • If you move furniture around in the room or make a mess, put it back and clean it up.
  • Do not "borrow" furniture from other classrooms; do not remove furniture from the room.
  • Reservations made via the Office of the Registrar include the room only. We do not offer room arrangement, event services, or event management.
  • To request use common areas (hallways, lobbies, etc.), please contact the building manager.
  • Some events may be denied use of classroom space if the event is inappropriate for the purpose of the classroom.
  • Possession, consumption, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is prohibited.
  • Noise must be kept to a minimum; there may be classes/tests in session in nearby rooms.
  • Events in a series will not include University Holidays; General Purpose Classrooms are not scheduled on holidays.
  • Events in a series should include only one term at a time. Please submit separate requests for each term.
  • Events taking place during Finals Week should be requested/submitted separately from other events in a series.
  • All events in GP classrooms must start on the hour or half hour (:00 or :30) and must end on the :20 or :50 after the hour. If your event does not follow these guidelines the time may be edited by the Schedule Desk before approval, or denied.
  • If your event takes place after building hours or on a weekend, the ADA/Accessible entrance to the building should be open. If you find that entrance is locked when you arrive, please contact Public Safety’s non-emergency line (541-737-3010) to have it unlocked; be prepared to provide them with proof of your reservation.
  • All events and activities involving unaccompanied minors (under age 18, not OSU students) are required to register with the Office of Youth Safety & Compliance. Registration can be completed online at   
  • Events charging admission, involving financial transactions, open to the public, or involving non-OSU attendees should contact University Events ([email protected]) to ensure compliance.
  • If your event will have attendees from off-campus (not affiliated with OSU), you must inform the Schedule Desk and email [email protected] with details about your planned event. You may need to work with University Events or Conference Services to ensure compliance.
  • Some other events may require event support from University Events; after review, requestors will be contacted if this is the case.
  • If we receive confirmed complaints regarding your event, your organization may be barred from using GP classrooms for future events.
  • Failure to comply with the listed rules, failure to respond to emails regarding your event, or misrepresentation of your event in the request may result in cancellation or denial of room use now or in the future.
    Please review the information on your confirmation email carefully to make sure it is correct (dates, days, times, room, etc.). Let the Schedule Desk know via email if there are any changes needed. You can verify your reservation is correct in 25Live after receiving your confirmation email. If you notice anything incorrect about your reservation, please let the Schedule Desk know as soon as possible.

Notice: Events and meetings taking place in university classrooms are expected to follow any and all current guidelines and protocols set forth by Oregon State University and the State of Oregon. Please see for any pertinent updates. Event requestors needing or wanting additional support for resumption of in-person events may fill out University Relations and Marketing's In-Person Event Resumption Form (

Certain GP classrooms may involve fees, including many LINC classrooms and Milam Auditorium (MLM 026). These fees are not controlled or assessed by the Schedule Desk. Contact the 25Live Schedule Desk for more information and to be directed to those assessing the fees.

If you are part of an academic department (colleges, schools, departments) or are an instructor, you likely already have a department scheduler that can submit requests on your behalf. To request use of a GP classroom for any event (academic or non-course related), please find and contact your department scheduler. If you do not have a department scheduler listed, contact the Schedule Desk to request a contact from your college, school, or department.

You can also search for your office or department in 25Live and see if there are any Associated Contacts listed for that organization. Any contact listed as a requestor is able to make requests for GP rooms on your behalf. Access organization search by visiting Click the name of your department in the search results, then find Associated Contacts on the Details page.

If you are part of an administrative office or other department on campus and wish to request use of a General Purpose classroom, you may already have designated requestors for your organization in 25Live. You can search for your office or department in 25Live and see if there are any Associated Contacts listed for that organization. Any contact listed as a requestor is able to make requests for GP rooms on your behalf. Access organization search by visiting Click the name of your department in the search results, then find Associated Contacts on the Details page.

If you cannot find your organization in a search, if your department does not have any associated contacts, or if you wish to become a requestor for your department, please contact the Schedule Desk to request permission to request spaces.

Student groups and organizations recognized for the current academic year are permitted to use General Purpose (GP) classroom space for meetings and events.

Representatives from student groups interested in requesting GP space should first reach out to Student Clubs & Organizations (Experiential Learning  & Activities) to ensure their group and scheduling contacts are properly set up to request reservations in 25Live. Student groups are limited to three designated scheduling contacts. Student Organizations are responsible for completing those steps and submitting their own requests in 25Live - departments should not do this on their behalf. Department Sponsored Organizations (DSOs) may have the department submit requests on their behalf if desired, but student representatives are still encouraged to do so.

Each summer all student group organizations in 25Live will have their status set to "Unrecognized" at which point they will no longer be able to request events sponsored by that group. Any existing requests at that point may remain in the queue, but will not be scheduled until that group is recognized for that academic year. New requests will not be accepted until the group is recognized for the current academic year and their status is updated by Student Clubs & Organizations in the 25Live system, at which point any designated scheduling contacts will also be granted requesting privileges.

Events in classrooms can be scheduled or requested using 25Live Pro. Please see 25Live Pro for more information.